View Full Version : Really worried

12-10-2013, 09:06 AM
My sister had a dermoid ovarian cyst removed 7 weeks ago and shes had a letter come through from the hospital today asking her to go in tomorrow to discuss her biopsy results im really scared that there goin to tell her that shes got ovarian cancer

12-10-2013, 11:37 AM
Please let us know what the find out. My initial thought is that if it were cancer, they wouldn't send a letter in the mail however I cannot say it would surprise me. Sometimes the medical community doesn't seem as concerned as they should be.

12-10-2013, 11:45 AM
Dont get worried,i know you will be who wudnt but i would think it would be routine anyway to go back in for results,hope all is fine,let us know,:))

Lee Grant Irons
12-10-2013, 12:22 PM
Idiotic hospital. All it would take is to simply schedule the followup appointment in advance as part of the entire package when the surgery gets scheduled so the patient simply goes to the pre-scheduled appointment to get their results. No. They have to make a phone call or send a letter, putting more stress and anxiety on the patient. Stupid.

When the doctor discovered I had a thyroid condition, he had his nurse call me and tell me to come in right away. I KNEW it was cancer. I was mentally freaking out from the moment I put the phone down to the moment the nurse told me when she was weighing me in that I was hypothyroid. Why the heck didn't they just tell me that over the phone. Geez!

12-10-2013, 12:40 PM
Ikno i thought it was weird cuz they said they'd see er after 3mnths which seems along time after a operation so maybe it could be a follow up appointment bt they oni wrote the letter yday and it arrived today and the appointments tomorrow i'm really scared that there goin to tell er its cancer they did the biopsy like 7 weeks ago would it take this long for results?

Steven Daws
12-10-2013, 12:40 PM
Hang in there, they may just want to let her know what the results were, it may not be as bad as you think. The important thing is that you are there with her regardless of the news.

I hope it all goes well.

12-10-2013, 12:47 PM
Thank you all

12-10-2013, 01:52 PM
Ikno i thought it was weird cuz they said they'd see er after 3mnths which seems along time after a operation so maybe it could be a follow up appointment bt they oni wrote the letter yday and it arrived today and the appointments tomorrow i'm really scared that there goin to tell er its cancer they did the biopsy like 7 weeks ago would it take this long for results? I had to have pre-cancerous cervical cells removed my biopsy only took two weeks my friend had a biopsy on her breast nd it also took around two wks if it was cancerous they would have got her in ASAP to ensure it hadn't spread

12-11-2013, 12:50 AM
Thank you vic thats reassuring :)

12-11-2013, 07:54 AM
Well sis had er results back an er dermoid cyst contained thyroid glands (which is very rare) and then the thyroid glands were cancerous (also very rare) doctor said he'd never seen it before and there was only a 1 in 100,000 change of it happening e was that shocked he had to send it through a oncology an pathology.

Bt the good news is the dermoid cyst outer skin protected the cancer from spreadin to anywhere else so she hasnt got the cancer there just goin to see er every 6 mnths to check her

12-11-2013, 07:59 AM
Well sis had er results back an er dermoid cyst contained thyroid glands (which is very rare) and then the thyroid glands were cancerous (also very rare) doctor said he'd never seen it before and there was only a 1 in 100,000 change of it happening e was that shocked he had to send it through a oncology an pathology. Bt the good news is the dermoid cyst outer skin protected the cancer from spreadin to anywhere else so she hasnt got the cancer there just goin to see er every 6 mnths to check her. That's good news that's why it took so long nd prob why they wanted to see her to explain it all to her it is worrying tho anything like that

12-11-2013, 08:07 AM
Yeah its good news overall thank god shes ok and theres nothin to worry about