View Full Version : Shooting pains in left side of head

12-10-2013, 09:03 AM
I've had anxiety for around 4 months now and I keep getting shooting pains in my head I don't now weather it's stressed related but I've been having really bad headaches recently almost everyday and shooting pains around my temple and forehead and behind my ears . I had really bad stabbing pains in my left temple I had to go lie down and then it went instantly. And I've been really dizzy recently and I can't keep my balance when I'm walking, and I also have really bad eye vision and eye pain, I've been to the opticians and they've given me glasses twice, and they don't even help ! I don't now wether it's stressed and anxiety related but I've also been having really bad hair loss and a sore scalp :/ anyone now what these symptoms could be ! I've been to the doctors but they hardly helped they just said if these symptoms carry on happening to come back but I can't wait I just really want to know now ! I'm doing my A levels so i am stressed . Anyone now ????

12-10-2013, 09:06 AM
I get this all the time and its really scary!! I get the shotting pains all over my head at different times, I put it down to anxiety (Well thats what I try to keep telling myself) Not sure about the hair loss though, maybe if it happens again, mention it to your doctor but people do lose hair through stress so I'm sure its nothing to worry about! I also get really dizzy and light headed and its a really weird feeling.. almost as if you have water in your head?

12-10-2013, 09:07 AM
Short answer:

Your diet? Are you eating right?

12-10-2013, 09:09 AM
Yes ! I'm on the implant I think that might be why I'm loosing hair, the doctors given me a blood test not sure what for haha think it's for my hair loss ! Yeah my head feels like it's always hurting ! Yeah like there water in my head ! Exactly how I feel ! I hate it wish it would go away I've had headaches since I've been 12 I've always had them bad, but the stabbing pains were just awful!!! :(

12-10-2013, 09:12 AM
Short answer: Your diet? Are you eating right? hmm not really haha, could it be my diet ? I don't eat loads of junk it's just not exactly healthy food that I'm eating :L

12-10-2013, 09:13 AM
I know, its almost like you have to stop what you are doing to let them pass because its such a weird feeling!! Try drinking more water... you may be a bit dehydrated... I find when I have a hangover this feeling is a lot worse

12-10-2013, 09:15 AM
Yes, diet and hydration have alot to do with it friend!! When was your last blood test????

12-10-2013, 09:17 AM
I know, its almost like you have to stop what you are doing to let them pass because its such a weird feeling!! Try drinking more water... you may be a bit dehydrated... I find when I have a hangover this feeling is a lot worse yeah I don't drink much water so I'll try drinking more water ! I now I have to lie down the other day and try and go to sleep it got so bad ! Freaked me right out , omg I now when I'm hungover my anxiety gets prober bad I hate it:(

12-10-2013, 09:19 AM
Yes, diet and hydration have alot to do with it friend!! When was your last blood test???? well looks like I need to go on a diet then haha , I don't drink no water In the day either only tea !! Ops :s I had my blood tested yesterday

12-10-2013, 09:19 AM
Its hard to go to sleep when your so anxious about it though! I get scared to go to sleep incase I dont wake up - silly I know

12-10-2013, 09:22 AM
Its hard to go to sleep when your so anxious about it though! I get scared to go to sleep incase I dont wake up - silly I know oh I now it's awfull I'm not so bad now but when I first had anxiety I didn't have a clue what was wrong with me , because my mum has bipolar I genuinely thought I had it because it felt like I was going crazy ! It was so scary I was making my self sick !! But then I finally went to the doctors I couldn't sleep or eat or anything ! It's awful murn:/

12-10-2013, 09:23 AM
oh boy..Your diet is all jacked up and you drink something all day long that dehydrates you!...Glad you had a blood test. Now, just eat healthier, drink water, take a multi vitamin, and wait for the test results. :D

12-10-2013, 09:26 AM
oh boy..Your diet is all jacked up and you drink something all day long that dehydrates you!...Glad you had a blood test. Now, just eat healthier, drink water, take a multi vitamin, and wait for the test results. :D hehe I love my food haha ! Yeah I've got these well women tablets that have vitamin D , E , K , C , B ! Haha Dnw wether there good for anxiety ? Haha

12-10-2013, 09:31 AM
HAHA!!! You need more than d e k c and b!!!! That's WHY you got anxiety and can't sleep!!! Your internal systems can't make the 100's of different hormones from those vitamins, no water, and air!! HAAAHAA!!! Eat a good meal, with some fats, drink a giant glass of water, use some salt WITH iodide in it, and eat a CHOCOLATE CANDY BAR to get rid of that headache....Dr. Dip*hit. :)

12-10-2013, 09:51 AM
HAHA!!! You need more than d e k c and b!!!! That's WHY you got anxiety and can't sleep!!! Your internal systems can't make the 100's of different hormones from those vitamins, no water, and air!! HAAAHAA!!! Eat a good meal, with some fats, drink a giant glass of water, use some salt WITH iodide in it, and eat a CHOCOLATE CANDY BAR to get rid of that headache....Dr. Dip*hit. :) haha I don't have a clue do I ! Yeah I shall, i hate anxiety blehhhhh! Thanks anyway hah :)

12-10-2013, 10:13 AM
(good fats/healthy brain function) olive oil, fish oil, avocado....Now go drink some!! and eat 1/2 an avocado, with some water and then 42 gallons of tea! :D

12-10-2013, 10:17 AM
Haha sounds like a plan!!!!!! 👌😃 thanks !

12-10-2013, 05:43 PM
Vitamins are always good! :) I had shooting pains on one side of my head recently, and it turned out to be TMJ from clenching my jaw/grinding my teeth due to stress. TMJ can cause all kinds of weird symptoms, including pain on one/both sides of the head (it can radiate through your ears, temples, jaw, and neck), dizziness, tension headaches, and numbness. A massage focusing on your face/neck/scalp or a visit to the chiropractor can really help. Ice/heat is also good.