View Full Version : Ugh why? Anxiety attack 2 hours before wake up time

12-10-2013, 06:09 AM
I've been up for an hour now-- woke up because my son did, who always sneaks into my bed during the night(he is 3 years old). And ofcourse all of my current stresses run through my mind and make my anxiety go up. My general anxiety has been Down and so I have not been taking my ssri daily... Ugh I hate them. But my anxiety at night is up--- night anxiety seems to be ongoing for me.
So I have less than 2 hours to get more sleep, send my daughter off to school and get ready to work. Ahhh another stress. My wage this month is 1/3 the norm. Lovely before Christmas. And 2 weeks ago I broke my left foot ( which has effected my wage) and broke my right foot in the spring... Which is almost healed but still broken. All of this bs injury has made me put off exercise which I've been trying to do to get back to my ideal weight. It is only 25 pounds but exercise is limited with two broken feet !
I have a possible new Client but they use already via email grilled me with questions and its made me nervous how particular they are.
Too many thoughts rummaging through my head and my son sleeping next to me I can't do my meditation or self hypnosis on my phone.
Just venting. Sleep please come so I can get a few more Zzzzzz's!!

Lee Grant Irons
12-10-2013, 07:30 AM
Hi blondie,

I've been where you are, but managed to recover from my anxiety, recover from my underlying health problem, and solve a bunch of intractable problems while doing it. There are two factors. The underlying factor that can prevent us from solving our problems is our perspective. So there are some excercises that you can do to change your perspective. The second factor is how we deal with problems, especially when depression and anxiety are present. Let me address the last factor, and then I will give you a reference to something you can read to deal with the first factor.

REgarding managing your problems, it is easy for our problems to get all tangled up in a knot wih each other when we are dealing with anxiety. So, let's untangle all of the problems and the deal with them as separate problems. From what you wrote, this is your list of problems:

1. I have night anxiety and it does not seem to be getting better.
2. My income is down.
3. Christmas is upon us and I am not prepared for it.
4. I have broken both feet recently.
5. I am slightly overweight.
6. My current possible new client is very particular.

Reword these as you see fit.

Wow, that is alot. However, you can deal with these problems if you handle them separately. So, let's write down the goal for each problem:

1. Get rid of this night anxiety.
2. Increase my income back to its normal level.
3. Provide my kids with a happy Christmas.
4. Heal my broken feet and prevent future breaks.
5. Lose weight down into the healthy level for my height.
6. Make my possible new client happy with my work.

Reword these as you see fit.

The next step is for to list things that you must accept associated with each problem that you can't change:

1. My son climbing in bed with me does not help, but I can't stop him from doing this.
2. I am dependent on other people giving me work for my income.
3. Christmas will pass, whether I am ready or not.
4. I can't change history. My feet are broken.
5. No one else can lose this weight for me. It is going to take effort and work.
6. The client has their own reasons for all of the questions and particulars.

Reword these and add to them as you see fit.

The next step is to acknowledge what yo already know about these problems and your goals.

1. Meditation and self hypnosis usually works for me.
2. I provide a good service and have a good work ethic. I know if I market my service more, and maybe ask some existing clients for some referrals, I will get more business
3. I love my kids and can help them have a fun Christmas even if I don;t have a lot of money to spend.
4. I am working with a doctor on my broken feet and know what to do to help them mend.
5. I might have to wait for my feet to mend before I can excercise too much. However, I can start working on my the things that I eat and my calory intake.
6. I have an initial list of things that my client is particular about. If I get proactive and show that I am interested in their particulars, maybe they will back a little and work with me.

Reword these and add to them as you see fit.

The next step is to negotiate. Negotiations are things you can do right now toward meting your goals and take into consideration the things you have accepted and acknowledge.

1. Try using the meditation and self hyposis while my son is in bed with me. Maybe he won;t wake up and everything will be fine.
2. Go through my client list and call to wish them Happy Holidays and ask them how my previous services are working out for them. Ask them for referrls to other people they know who could use my business.
3. Take my kids ou tin the evening to look ate Christmas lights. Watch Christmas specials on TV together. Research on the internet inexpensive or free ways to make Christmas fun for kids. Research low cost gifts for kids.
4. Do the physical therapy and other recovery actions that the doctor told me to do. Keep a journal of everything I do and the progress I am making.
5. Research on the internet how to eat healthier.
6. Work on my clients particulars today. Get my proposal finished and turned in to them. Call them and tell them some ideas I have.

Reword these and add to them as you see fit.

This will get you started. Let me know how things progress, and I can then help you learn how to proceed from here toward your goals.

Regarding he first factor, here is a link (click here) to chapter 2 of my book titled SANE (http://leeirons.blogspot.com/2013/12/sane-chapter-2-free-falling.html). Rad through it and it will give your soe methiods and tools you can use to help change your perspetive and eliminate what I call "Blocking Problems" that prevent you from resolving your main problems listed above.

Hope this helps. Let me know how things progress. Feel free to send me private messages or post back here.