View Full Version : New Law To Ban Skin Bleaching

12-10-2013, 06:06 AM
If I could introduce a new law, it would outlaw skin bleaching. Laws have been enacted to prevent the sale, marketing, and use of hazardous substances, mercury-containing products, and strong steroid creams.

Skin bleaching is a social malady that is becoming a norm in societies worldwide. This malady is fostered by the notions that fair skin leads to greater social and economic success, better jobs, better boyfriends/ girlfriends, and statuses. This malady must be treated and the new law prohibiting the act is a vaccine and an antidote.

The legislation would address the delusion of self-hatred which the act of skin bleaching postulates. The melanin in the skin of African people acts as a protective sheath against ultraviolet rays of the sun. Discoloration of the skin, therefore, is unhealthy. This is supported by the fact that the bleaching products have severe side effects, such as itching, scarring, redness, and the development of varicose veins, etc.

The new law will enable the Government, through its health departments, to educate the masses on the dangers of skin bleaching. It would also empower the police force to make arrests and confiscate the products from the users.

It would also reinforce the laws prohibiting the sale, marketing and use of hazardous substances, mercury-containing products, and strong steroid creams.

The law would also force medical practitioners, such as dermatologists, cosmetic surgeons, and pharmacists, to be more accountable in prescribing and dispensing medications to their clients and conforming to the law.

Source: jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20131210/letters/letters3

12-10-2013, 06:16 AM
Why is this in an anxiety forum may I ask?

But I must say since learning about skin bleaching I've wondered if its more harmful than tanning. I tan occasionally being Caucasian, but have been opting for instant tanning more and more instead lately.
What has appalled me on skin bleaching is when I've seen parents who bleach their children's skin!! Wtf? What kind of message are you telling your kids for one?
But on the flip side, like myself wanting a little bit of more colour... A light tan year round, maybe some people want lighter skin... But bleaching of skin just sounds very harmful. ( plus I like to tan to minimize the sight if spider veins thanks to when I was preggo with my son.. And it's like a mini vacation to for me -- and in the winters it does help stave off S.D.D.)