View Full Version : Chest pain while exercising?

12-10-2013, 02:21 AM
Any anxiety sufferers ever had chest pain while doing exercise? Was playing football on Thursday and kept getting a shooting pain in the left hand side of my chest, then again last night when I was jogging. I have anxiety pretty bad, i'll go through phases where it's awful then other weeks where its fine but right now im going through one of my bad phases. I was diagnosed this time last year after getting chest pains, shortness of breath, dizziness etc, thought i had every heart condition going but i gradually accepted it was anxiety. I had 3 ECG'S, all come back fine and i also had a stress test ECG (The one where you're on a bike) and that come back fine too, but that was about 11 months ago. I'll probably go get it checked out again after christmas but i feel stupid going back to the doctors when they'll just say 'you had 3 ECG's and a stress ECG only a year ago, your hearts fine'.

Just wondering if anybodies had anything similar?

12-10-2013, 02:30 AM
I get it sometimes, I have no heart issues.. It's probably nothing just your heart working hard to get that blood pumping to your body. Relax mate, you'll be okay! If it will ease your mind then try going back to the doctor.. Do you have asthma or smoke?

12-10-2013, 02:50 AM
I get it sometimes, I have no heart issues.. It's probably nothing just your heart working hard to get that blood pumping to your body. Relax mate, you'll be okay! If it will ease your mind then try going back to the doctor.. Do you have asthma or smoke?

Yeah that's what i thought, my anxiety at the minute is quiet high so just been putting it down to anxiety chest pains, i just keep jogging/playin footy through the chest pains because like the doctor said it'll only get worse if i let it stop me from doing stuff haha. Nah i don't have asthma or smoke :)

12-10-2013, 03:01 AM
Good work mate! That's the best thing to do! Dont put your life on hold for this :)