View Full Version : Hey guys!

12-09-2013, 07:12 PM
Hey guys,
I have been doing really well lately. I even got my first job at a chocolate factory. I pack and wrap the chocolates into boxes and bows and stuff. It sounds straight forward but it's quite challenging. I'm starting to have a bit of trouble with it now. When I get to work I just want to come home again. I don't think it's the right environment for me either. I need a bit more interaction with people. Does anyone have any ideas of good jobs for people with anxiety and depression?

Jess xx

Lee Grant Irons
12-09-2013, 07:23 PM
Hi Jess,

That is fantastic! Congratulations on your first job!

My opinion is that the best job you can do if you have anxiety or depression is the job you have right now. It is so easy for us to tell ourselves that if something else would just change, if the world would rearrange itself for us, then everything would be better. I'm afraid that just doesn't happen. So the best thing you can do is learn how to adapt to this new environment. Learning to adapt usually means learning how to change your perspectives. I could go into a long spiel on how to do that in this post, but I will instead direct you to my blog (click here) (http://leeirons.blogspot.com/2013/12/sane-chapter-2-free-falling.html) where I provide some methods and tools that people with anxiety and depression can use to change their perspective and learn how to be happier.

Once you are more stable and happy in your current job, which is very good experience and looks good to other future employers, then you can start thinking about looking for another job that suits you better.

If you try some of these things, send me a meassge or post back and let us know how you are doing.

12-09-2013, 07:30 PM
thankyou. I will be sure to try it :)