View Full Version : Awake again!!!

12-09-2013, 05:15 PM
Hi all,my partner is away tonight and I am on my own,I am seriously stressed!!!!My head is killing around the temples,I just feel rubbish.Does anyone else get this??I am scared to go to sleep,does that sound silly??I have been alright all day but as soon as I have came to bed,I have got worse!!!!I have stomach pains as well.thanks for listening,any one got any advice?!

Lee Grant Irons
12-09-2013, 05:51 PM
Hi Saralouise,

Sorry you are feeling so bad. For the immediate problem, take some pain reliever if it helps. Calcium is also a good natural sedative. So drink some milk that you have warmed down a bit from the fridge. If the milk will bother your stomach, then you can take a calcium supplement if you have any. If you have a heating pad with an automatic turn off, place it on your stomach, and it will help with the stomach pain. Another thing you can do is put a bunch of white rice (do not wet it) in a sock and heat it in the microwave. Then lay it across whatever part of your body is hurting you, whether that be your stomach, or your head, or both (one sock for each). Then do your best to lay as still as you can and turn off your thoughts. Looking at this computer screen is just going to keep you awake, so turn it off. LOL

For your longer term problem of anxiety and all of the other problems in your life that get all tangled up with it, I recommend you read my blog here (chapter 1) (http://sane-book.blogspot.com/2013/11/chapter-1-night-of-insanity_25.html) and here (chapter 2) (http://leeirons.blogspot.com/2013/12/sane-chapter-2-free-falling.html) for ideas to help start resolving them. BUT NOT TONIGHT. You need to go to bed tonight.

Let us know tomorrow morning how things went. Hang in there. We are with you.

12-09-2013, 06:47 PM
Maybe have a warm shower, that helps me alot.