View Full Version : Anxiety literally consuming my life, in need of help

12-09-2013, 05:00 PM
Ive been posting on here recently and replying to others posts, sure is hard to take your own advice. About two weeks ago I came off of old meds and started new meds. Ever since my life has been a mash up of crying, laying in bed and sleeping, missing work, and a non-stop panic attack. The morning being the worst.

Ive gone through this before when I was 21. A period where I crashed and was completely and utterly riddled with anxiety. Well, I turn 36 in three days and it has come full circle. I literally can't go anywhere or do anything. All I want to do is sleep. Problem is, when you have a wife and a ten year old, the habit gets old quick. Is or has anyone gone through anxiety that last for this long a period of time. If so what got you out of it.

Terre Nova
12-09-2013, 05:23 PM
Ive been posting on here recently and replying to others posts, sure is hard to take your own advice. About two weeks ago I came off of old meds and started new meds. Ever since my life has been a mash up of crying, laying in bed and sleeping, missing work, and a non-stop panic attack. The morning being the worst.

Ive gone through this before when I was 21. A period where I crashed and was completely and utterly riddled with anxiety. Well, I turn 36 in three days and it has come full circle. I literally can't go anywhere or do anything. All I want to do is sleep. Problem is, when you have a wife and a ten year old, the habit gets old quick. Is or has anyone gone through anxiety that last for this long a period of time. If so what got you out of it.

I have and still do, it gets really bad for 6 months outta the year every year.. Though im tired for overactive nervous system sleep is my enemy.. I wake up with a rush of panic every morning tho some worse than others..
What meds were you taking and what did they switch them to?
Ive never known exactly when it eases up but when it comes back it comes back with a vengeance..
There is a program out of NZ called "Freedom from fear" and they speak of just facing the fear and laugh it off and eventually you overcome it.. They had some pretty great recovery stories but it didn't seem to work for me..
You should check it out though as they have a really great forum of recovered people that will talk you through things ect.. Check them out :)

12-09-2013, 05:39 PM
I have and still do, it gets really bad for 6 months outta the year every year.. Though im tired for overactive nervous system sleep is my enemy.. I wake up with a rush of panic every morning tho some worse than others.. What meds were you taking and what did they switch them to? Ive never known exactly when it eases up but when it comes back it comes back with a vengeance.. There is a program out of NZ called "Freedom from fear" and they speak of just facing the fear and laugh it off and eventually you overcome it.. They had some pretty great recovery stories but it didn't seem to work for me.. You should check it out though as they have a really great forum of recovered people that will talk you through things ect.. Check them out :)

I was on 8mg of Klonapin and 150mg of Effexor. I was stupid and quit them cold turkey. Two days after stopping them I saw my psychiatrist who reiterated how dumb it was and put me on 10mg of Lexapro and 1mg of Ativan four times a day. I can't believe that 15 years later it has come full circle again.

Terre Nova
12-09-2013, 06:02 PM
I was on 8mg of Klonapin and 150mg of Effexor. I was stupid and quit them cold turkey. Two days after stopping them I saw my psychiatrist who reiterated how dumb it was and put me on 10mg of Lexapro and 1mg of Ativan four times a day. I can't believe that 15 years later it has come full circle again.

I'm sorry to hear that after all this time its come back full circle for you :(
The Ativan should help the anxiousness until meds kick in.. At least thats what they say ;)

12-09-2013, 06:26 PM
I'm sorry to hear that after all this time its come back full circle for you :( The Ativan should help the anxiousness until meds kick in.. At least thats what they say ;)

Yeah, that's what they say. Just had to take a .5mg Xanax because I was flipping out so bad. The fact that Christmas is almost here and I haven't been working really is bad. I just want to get back to normal and return to work.

Terre Nova
12-09-2013, 07:05 PM
Yeah, that's what they say. Just had to take a .5mg Xanax because I was flipping out so bad. The fact that Christmas is almost here and I haven't been working really is bad. I just want to get back to normal and return to work.

I know whatcha mean... This last spell has lasted since august for me.. I had a year of very little anxiety and then bam! Its a debilitating bastard of a disease!
Wishing you calmness and clarity :)

12-09-2013, 07:34 PM
I know whatcha mean... This last spell has lasted since august for me.. I had a year of very little anxiety and then bam! Its a debilitating bastard of a disease! Wishing you calmness and clarity :)

That's exactly how it is for me . There have been times in my life where I've thought, "damn, I got this thing beat." And there are times like now where I can't even believe I once felt like that. This affliction is terrible, you never know when you are safe.

12-09-2013, 07:49 PM
Same thing happened to me about 2.5 weeks ago! I can't snap out of it, and it is so upsetting :( I have been a nervous wreck and I don't run even know why. I have no motivation to do anything. I want to get out of this dark hole. How????