View Full Version : Help With Solving Impossible Problems

Lee Grant Irons
12-09-2013, 04:00 PM
Hello everyone,

You have been free falling for so long that you have reached terminal velocity. Your good times are like passing out into oblivion. When you startle awake to the reality of your life, you are still free falling, everything speeding by so quickly that details are blurred, and the only thing you can see clearly is the tunnel vision of the ground racing up at you..

This is what I felt like in the deepest darkest period of my own illness and all of the problems of life that were piling up on me. Perhaps this sounds familiar. Perhaps you are living through this now. All of us are here because we are suffering or have suffered from anxiety and/or depression. Regardless of whether the anxiety and/or depression is caused by a medical condition, chances are that if you are human, you have problems. And those problems can be very overwhelming for people with anxiety and/or depression. Heck, the anxiety, the depression, those are problems in and of themselves, and they can really get in the way of helping us think clearly to solve the same problems that everyone else who are human have, such as financial problems, career problems, family problems, relationship problems, and the list goes on.

It is for this reason that I am writing a book titled "SANE" that tells about my own journey through solving my own problems and recovering from my anxiety and depression., as well as the illnesses that were driving my symptoms. Many of you may have already read the first chapter in my book, Sea of Insanity, that I have released to the public on my blog at this link (http://sane-book.blogspot.com/2013/11/chapter-1-night-of-insanity_25.html). I have now done an early release of my second chapter, Free Falling, that I have posted on my private blog at this link (http://leeirons.blogspot.com/2013/12/sane-chapter-2-free-falling.html). It describes the methods and tools I developed through my own journey to help me identify what I call "Blocking Problems" and bring myself into a sense of stability that enabled me to be stable enough to work on my more intractable problems that defied resolution, such as regaining my health.

I am inviting anyone who feels that they need some help getting their life and problems under control to read chapter 2 and start using the tools and methods described. I have already started helping a couple of people on this forum through private messaging, and the feedback so far is that it is eye opening and helpful. I have set up the Sane Life group located at this link on this website (http://anxietyforum.net/forum/group.php). We will be discussing solving our problems in general and in specific as you desire in this group. These methods and tools are designed in such a way that the only necessary participant is you. You can do this by yourself in the privacy of your own home and own mind. Better yet, you can use these methods and tools to learn more about yourself for conversations with your therapist.

If you access this forum through the smart phone app, I understand that some people cannot access the group page. So I welcome you to participate in the conversation at my Chapter 2 blog at this link (http://leeirons.blogspot.com/2013/12/sane-chapter-2-free-falling.html).

I welcome all to participate. Or feel free to send me private messages as you wish. :)

Lee Grant Irons
12-09-2013, 07:10 PM
Bumping to top so everyone has a chance to see the invitation.

Lee Grant Irons
12-09-2013, 11:01 PM
I see there have been a lot of views of the new chapter 2 on my blog. Feel free to leave comments anywhere. In this thread. On the blog page. In a private message to me. or in the group post here (click link) (http://anxietyforum.net/forum/group.php?discussionid=14&do=discuss).