View Full Version : Does music help you??

12-09-2013, 02:56 PM
Hi :)

I've noticed that a lot of the time, listening to music can really help improve my mood. Obviously it doesn't fix everything, but I've found that sometimes listening to "angry" or "sad" music can be very cathartic and I feel more worn out than upset afterwards. Or, if I'm feeling numb, then listening to something happy or something pretty/relaxing can make me feel significantly better.

How about you guys? Do you find music helps you feel better, and if so, what kinds of music? ^_^

12-09-2013, 03:26 PM
It works for me, but I find it hard to listen to happy music cause I'm not in that mood. I usually listen to angry music, but I don't feel sad afterwards. I feel like you numb. And somehow I find it better than sad.

12-10-2013, 03:52 AM
It works for me, but I find it hard to listen to happy music cause I'm not in that mood. I usually listen to angry music, but I don't feel sad afterwards. I feel like you numb. And somehow I find it better than sad.

I know what you mean about not being in the mood for "happy" music. I'm like that a lot of the time, but I know that if I'm able to enjoy happier music then it's a good day :'D

Any recommendations for "angry" music? :3

12-10-2013, 06:11 AM
I know what you mean about not being in the mood for "happy" music. I'm like that a lot of the time, but I know that if I'm able to enjoy happier music then it's a good day :'D

Any recommendations for "angry" music? :3

I prefer bands like; pierce the veil, sleeping with sirens, a day to remember etc :)

Any tips from you? (:

12-11-2013, 11:17 PM
Has both negative and positive affects. Good for making people go deaf! LOL Good weapon to piss off your neighbors if your that way inclined. I guess it all really depends on your perspective. People that love cutting themselves seem attracted to music that gravitates to slamming their heads into brick walls - or at least that's how we used to do it in the past. Does not seem really much different to me, except they change the words some. Head banging, thrashing, slashing, screaming - down to ritualistic summoning. Ive seen the two extremes from Satan worshiping to glorifying God! Arrrr, them was the days..... LOL ... truly added to my instability, "but what a ride!"

In between that, I had moments of sanity with some good old FOLK MUSIC - I would learn to play that stuff on my guitar and bop along to the base line behind the melody. That seem to keep me more stable. Thumb picking style. Classical I really like - Not all with the singing much, but just the music only. Speaking of which - I don't like much music with lyrics anymore - The brain washing gets a bit much after whiles -> all that stigma the world pumps itself with is full on in most lrycs -- especially the popular ones... lol ... guess I'm just an old cranky synical bastard - give 20 or 30 more years and you'll get the picture.

Hmmmmm ------ Stimulate those receptors and bring back the good old days - great way to keep oneself stuck in the past. My Zen habits have killed the desire to fire up old neurons of the past, in order to keep up my running pace or lift those weights - hehe - I know well the use of such tool and goal setting - Music is often number one go get em tool. Not good for people who can't switch off either - i'll go until I'm run into the ground - I think all the chanting and head banging combined with the worshiping short circuited me for sure with regards to that. (again -> effective tool for marketing, molding and manipulating)
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Ambient - think I will play some now:
Sweet as, Nature Radio - Sky.FM ........ phew ... already feeling a little better know. You see, I spin out quite easily around NOISE! - one persons sounds, can be anthers NOISE! Again - the extent of my own suffering, level of it and time expose - naturally wears on the ear drums. Your right Dahila, I need to be careful just how much I reduce my meds. Was in the shopping mall with my wife and the static is getting louder again. It's like a deep HUM with all these high pitches in between and the level seems to fluctuate while increasing at the same time - I too start to fluctuate in my pace and grab my head like I'm about to get dizzy and have a panic attack. If some idiot pulls up in a car along side me with its music thumping along - well, lets just say, that's the kind of music exposure that's liable to trigger a phycosis! (Not that it would care!)

I love the native American flute ... Beautiful - that can bring me back to earth quicker that any docs prescription drug! On that same note though, I much prefer ambient sounds of the ocean, rainforest, without all the music - depends how I am feeling I guess - but when I am angry, I wont listen to angry music, because that's just plain suicide for me. If I want to rip the shit out of something or feel like killing someone, why would I want to listen to something that's only going to drive me closer to doing just that. I already have busted teeth, a broken nose and various other broken bones and scars to match - Once you've been exposed to violence you quickly lose taste for such beats. I think such music is as corrupt as the modern way of living. Suicide seems to make these singers more popular - what a screwed up world in which we live.
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How bout this guy - HE ROCKS!

They don't make em like that anymore. RIP Timmy boy ;)

I'm going to download this one for next time I'm doing laps down town! Hahahahahahahaha http://www.sherv.net/cm/emo/happy/crazy-happy-smiley-emoticon.gif (http://www.sherv.net/emoticons.html)

12-12-2013, 12:48 AM
I prefer bands like; pierce the veil, sleeping with sirens, a day to remember etc :)

Any tips from you? (:

Ah, A Day To Remember are great :D

I have favourite songs rather than favourite bands... Falling Up by Exhibition, Welcome to the Black Parade, Numb, and Mirror Ball by Alice Nine :3

12-12-2013, 03:20 AM
At first I couldn't STAND listening to music while anxiety hit.. I had my ear phones in while walking to the bus in Hawaii and it just stressed me.. May or may not be because I was listening to abit of dub step haha but still... Now it's not that bad.. I can really invest my thoughts into a song when I'm abit panicy.. But if it gets too bad.. Straight away that shit needs to be turned of haha

12-12-2013, 03:59 AM
Yes, music helps me to get realllllllyyyy determined to accomplish something that I don't want to do..

12-12-2013, 06:24 AM
How bout this guy - HE ROCKS!

They don't make em like that anymore. RIP Timmy boy ;)

What did I just listen to? Is he suppose to sound like that? I assume he was trying to imitate a style, in which case job well done, but is that what he's all about or does he have his own voice?

I love music and I listen to all types........from the angry kind to the soft peaceful kind, to instrumentals and lyrics. It all depends on the mood. I listen to music a lot of the times while working out and that helps me quite a bit. I listen to music to help calm down..It doesn't work all the time, and sometimes music can just become flat irritating when you are more concerned with other things atm, especially the wrong kind of music, like the stuff that makes one want to pull their hair out-- but overall music plays a big role in helping me..

I made this thread a while ago, but idk, maybe some of you guys here would like to put the music you love to listen to in there just for fun..


...There's just something about neat about sharing & hearing what others like to listen to.. :)

12-12-2013, 09:38 AM
Music can be great or HORRIBLE for me. I've been kind of afraid to listen to music for about 7 years now. I do listen but it has to be exactly the right music. Can't play radio when kids are in the car. I love them & love learning what they like but the music isn't right so I make them turn it off. Christmas is terribly hard if I'm anxious because all that happy go lucky just "hurts". Isn't that SAD? I don't think I ever admitted I feel that wY before.