View Full Version : Hello, i'm new!

12-09-2013, 12:57 PM
Hello everyone. I would just like to say it is really reassuring to find people who have the same anxiety issues as I do, now I know that i'm not the only one who feels the way I do!
My anxiety started about a year ago due to a few deaths of close family members in a short period of time. I then started to fear death which has now progressed in to me thinking that every twinge, lump or bump is life threatening/serious illness. The first time this happened, I was laying in bed and my heart started beating really fast and I felt like my arm was going numb and I started to panic, so I got up and throughout the day I felt better. But after that I would have an unexpected panic attack which really scared me. My anxiety would vary from day to day. Some days I would be completely fine and others I would be sick with worry. I started having therapy and was put on to anti-depressants/anti-anxiety pills (Fluoxetine) and after a while I started to feel less anxious so I took myself out of therapy and took myself off the pills. Everything was going well until recently when a lady at work niece died unexpectedly of a blood clot although she was healthy, didn't smoke, drink etc. and it triggered it all again for me. Now it is so much worse, I get the anxiety every day and its starting to affect my concentration at work. I even lose sleep over it now which is really wearing me down. The list of illnesses/health issues that I am worried about at the moment are:

-Blood Clot
-Heart Disease
-Pulmonary Embolism
-Brain Tumor
-Bowel Cancer

and the list does go on! i feel that i'm stupid for feeling like this! Any feedback will be welcomed.


Terre Nova
12-09-2013, 01:22 PM
I feel exactly like you! Ive had anxiety really bad from childhood but it got a million times worse 5 years ago...
Did you find being on meds helped you? And are you taking them again after the last time you stopped?

12-09-2013, 01:26 PM
Well Fluoxetine did help, and i've only just started back on them a week ago so they haven't kicked in yet!Are you on any meds at the moment?

12-09-2013, 01:34 PM
I'm the same Ashlee! All the health related things you think you have, i think i have the now! Its so horrible! Theres nothing that can take my mind off it at all. I've been worried since last night that i have a blood clot on my lung & its driving me crazy!

12-09-2013, 01:37 PM
Same!!! I actually sat up the whole night the other night because I was so so worried! Its horrible when you have physical symptoms on your lungs, my chest is really tight and weezy at the moment! I've got doctors on friday but i don't think i can wait that long!!

Terre Nova
12-09-2013, 01:39 PM
Well Fluoxetine did help, and i've only just started back on them a week ago so they haven't kicked in yet!Are you on any meds at the moment?

I'm not anymore but i'm going to the Dr hopefully tomorrow to get back on them.. I use to take Celexa but didn't really feel it helped anything..
Ive never heard of Fluoxetine.. Is it an antidepressant or specifically for anxiety? :)

12-09-2013, 01:41 PM
Okay, never heard of that one! its both but really did help me the last time I was on them! I didn't get any side effects either :)

12-09-2013, 01:43 PM
Aww god its such a horrible feeling!! I lay in bed last night worried about it & today its not been out my head! I keep getting a sharp pain every now & again in the right side of my chest and sometimes can't get a deep enough breath so i've convinced myself it must be! I hope the doctor can do something for you!

12-09-2013, 01:46 PM
I know, its all you can think about right? I keep feeling that I need to sigh/yawn but I can't and I get breathless trying to sigh! Are you taking any meds at the moment?

12-09-2013, 01:51 PM
Welcome Newbie! :)

12-09-2013, 01:52 PM
-Blood Clot -Appendicitis -Heart Disease -Pulmonary Embolism
-Brain Tumor -Bowel Cancer


Hmm, interesting list. It took me years to have these worries (meant as a joke).

It's natural to have concerns, especially for anxious people and for people unfortunate enough to have recently lost loved ones and/or friends. Anxious people that have recently lost loved ones and/or friends may be especially effected.

Oddly enough, people, such as myself, that had similar fears over the years, often do not worry about some of the things more likely to harm us, motor vehicle accidents for example. My wife and I, just pulling out from a light, had the displeasure to watch an SUV, almost at a stop that was traveling in the opposite direction, get lifted up onto two wheels, careen in our direction, and somehow, someway, flip onto its side without touching our car, it was aiming directly for us. I have no idea how we were missed. We were heading out for the weekend, and I was so unnerved that we turned around (after being sure the occupants of the SUV were being taken care of) and headed home. Yet I drove without fear the next day or so.

I'm new here as well, so I'll read the responses other members post, I'm interested to know as well how to circumvent these concerns. But do consider why you fear physical ailments but likely not daily hazards we all face but usually take in stride without giving them a second thought.

12-09-2013, 01:54 PM
Thank you!!! :):)

12-09-2013, 01:58 PM
Thank you for your post. Wow, fate was on your side that day, it just wasn't your time to go! Hope the people in the SUV were okay though and not too badly hurt, and i'm glad you and your wife were not harmed. I think anxiety comes down to lots of different life experiences, but like you, i don't get anxious to drive or anything like that, just physical health that worries me!

Terre Nova
12-09-2013, 02:07 PM
Okay, never heard of that one! its both but really did help me the last time I was on them! I didn't get any side effects either :)

Thats great about you not getting side affects!
I googled Fluoxetine and it is Prozac... Ive never tried prozac.. Was it hard to come off of for you?
The last time i went off Celexa i had an awful time coming off of it..
Thanks for chatting Ashlee :)

12-09-2013, 02:09 PM
No, I waited till the end of my pack and just didn't get another prescription, I did get a few headaches but they went after a week or so.
oh no, doesn't sound good!
Thats okay, thanks to you too, if you ever need any help/advice feel free to message me:)

Terre Nova
12-09-2013, 02:09 PM
Thank you for your post. Wow, fate was on your side that day, it just wasn't your time to go! Hope the people in the SUV were okay though and not too badly hurt, and i'm glad you and your wife were not harmed. I think anxiety comes down to lots of different life experiences, but like you, i don't get anxious to drive or anything like that, just physical health that worries me!

Same with me, Artaud and Ashlee.. :)

Terre Nova
12-09-2013, 02:11 PM
No, I waited till the end of my pack and just didn't get another prescription, I did get a few headaches but they went after a week or so.
oh no, doesn't sound good!
Thats okay, thanks to you too, if you ever need any help/advice feel free to message me:)

Same here, Anytime! I use the app from my phone so i'm always here to talk if needed!

12-09-2013, 02:13 PM
Me too! thanks.

12-09-2013, 02:23 PM
I know, its all you can think about right? I keep feeling that I need to sigh/yawn but I can't and I get breathless trying to sigh! Are you taking any meds at the moment?

Yeah it won't leave my mind at all! I'm the same, i try to take deep breaths just to make sure i get a deep breath but it doesn't always help! No i stopped taking my meds when i was pregnant & now the doctor said i'd be better talking to someone about my health anxiety rather than relying on meds!

12-09-2013, 02:31 PM
Everyone is different, you may find it helps you a lot more. I suggest CBT, although I haven't tried it for myself, I know people who have had it and it has worked for them. Instead of looking back in the past, it focuses on the future and helping you overcome your anxiety issues.

12-09-2013, 03:04 PM
What's CBT?

Terre Nova
12-09-2013, 03:12 PM
What's CBT?

Cognitive behavioural therapy ;)

12-09-2013, 03:57 PM
What's CBT?

I may be wrong, but watch this video, he does a good job talking about choices we have in the way that we think, it's helped me, and some CBT (though I wish the therapist would have been more assertive).

David Foster Wallace unfortunately did not, ultimately, take his own advice. I first saw this on Vimeo, where it still resides, but this is the YouTube posting of it. I still enjoy watching it. We can, indeed, make choices in how we think.

New Link:


Also visit:


12-09-2013, 04:53 PM
The worst thing about what we suffer from is that Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and anxiety go hand in hand. The two literally feed off of each other. So, when the OCD thoughts kick in it triggers the anxiety and vise/versa. I bought this really good book that talks abut breathing techniques and how to calm yourself down and put things into perspective. So far it has helped a bit. If you can remember anything when this is happening, remember to say this to yourself. "IT's JUST THE ANXIETY, IT'S NOT ME."

12-10-2013, 12:56 AM
Yes I agree, what was the book called? Another good blook is called The Secret… It doesn't teach you about breathing or anxiety, it teaches you to control your thoughts and have a more positive outlook! The problem with me, is that I will tell myself, "it's just the anxiety" but then i'll hear my voice saying but what if it isn't and I start to panic!! Its really difficult because when you feel something in your body, you can't just run away from it, you have to deal with it!