View Full Version : Headaches and brain tumours, please help.

12-09-2013, 07:56 AM
So recently for about the last 3 weeks I've had a weird sort of headache in my temples. It sometimes goes to the back of my head towards the bottom. It's kind of dull and it's bearable but it's annoying. I got my blood pressure checked a few days ago and that's normal, it tends to go away after I've been to sleep and comes back during the day. I don't have any nausea or anything else just this headache and the ache seems to be getting worse the more I worry it's not going away. Has anyone else had the same thing? I am extremely extremely scared it's a brain tumour or something awful.

I don't know whether to go to my doctor because I keep going everytime I have something wrong with me and each time I get dismissed. The more worrying thing is because I have anxiety and keep going there they might miss it when I really do have something wrong. :(

12-09-2013, 08:21 AM

It's not a toomah (tumor). It's more than likely migraines, stress headaches, anxiety headaches. YES. Go to the Dr or just take a couple acetaminophen because that will work the quickest for a headache. AND stop worrying about it, just treat it as you can with an OTC to see if that helps. If not, make an app. It IS NOT your BP either.
(and don't some back on here and tell me that you're afraid of a tablet either..grrr)
Enjoy the day! :)

12-09-2013, 08:32 AM
It sometimes goes to the back of my head towards the bottom. It's kind of dull and it's bearable but it's annoying....I don't have any nausea or anything else...

Sounds like a tension headache.


12-09-2013, 02:56 PM
Yeah I think I'm just more worried as I have a swollen node on my neck thats been there for months, I've been to the doctors about it and they said it's nothing to worry about and didn't even do any tests. But I think because of that I'm worried something else is going on in my head now.
(My worst case scenario is it's cancer on my neck and it's now moved to my brain.)

12-09-2013, 05:53 PM
(My worst case scenario is it's cancer on my neck and it's now moved to my brain.)

I have a few glands that seem permanently swollen, I wouldn't give one too much thought, especially if the doctors are unconcerned. Other than headaches you don't seem to have any other symptoms that would even begin to sugggest you have any issue other than tension.

12-09-2013, 06:10 PM
I have a few glands that seem permanently swollen, I wouldn't give one too much thought, especially if the doctors are unconcerned. Other than headaches you don't seem to have any other symptoms that would even begin to sugggest you have any issue other than tension.

Thanks a lot for your help :) it's nice to know I'm not the only one with permanent swollen glands. I think it's just because you hear about these people that have no symptoms with brain tumours and that scares me a lot.
But I think if it continues to get worse ill just go to the doctors to be safe.

Lee Grant Irons
12-09-2013, 06:22 PM
I'm not sure that I saw that you had posted anywhere whether you had any other symptoms. Do you?

At any rate, any doctor who does not do at least a complete blood count (CBC) with differential when a patient walks in with a lymph node that has been swollen for a while needs to lose their license. This will tell the doctor whether it a simple blocked lymph node, a viral infection, or something else. CBCs are cheap and it would put your mind at ease. So I would ask for a blood work up on your next visit if I were you. Nothing to be anxious about right now. Heck, you should get a CBC done every year as part of a normal health check anyway.

12-09-2013, 06:32 PM
I'm not sure that I saw that you had posted anywhere whether you had any other symptoms. Do you? At any rate, any doctor who does not do at least a complete blood count (CBC) with differential when a patient walks in with a lymph node that has been swollen for a while needs to lose their license. This will tell the doctor whether it a simple blocked lymph node, a viral infection, or something else. CBCs are cheap and it would put your mind at ease. So I would ask for a blood work up on your next visit if I were you. Nothing to be anxious about right now. Heck, you should get a CBC done every year as part of a normal health check anyway.

The only thing I've had is a little bit of blood when I blow my nose, and that's happened about twice in 3-4weeks. Nothing major but just a very tiny amount. I did consider that it would be something to do with my sinus's but I haven't had any colds etc.

And yes I think I will, I actually had a blood test 2 weeks ago due to a UTI and everything came back normal. I'm not sure if this counts as a complete blood count?

But yeah I will mention it next I go to the doctors. :)

Lee Grant Irons
12-09-2013, 06:41 PM
It is usual to do a CBC in conjunction with any other blood test that might be given. You should get copies of all of your labs. It helps you become your own health advocate. The doctors also tend to take better care of you if they know you are taking an active role in your own care.

Interesting that you mention nose bleeds in conjunction with swollen lymph node. Do you take allergy medicines or antihystamines? If so, they are probably drying you out, leading to cracked nose membranes and plugged up lymph nodes. Then on top of this, if it is particularly dry in your house or your neck of the world and/or if you are not drinking enough fluids, this adds to the problem.

12-09-2013, 06:55 PM
It is usual to do a CBC in conjunction with any other blood test that might be given. You should get copies of all of your labs. It helps you become your own health advocate. The doctors also tend to take better care of you if they know you are taking an active role in your own care. Interesting that you mention nose bleeds in conjunction with swollen lymph node. Do you take allergy medicines or antihystamines? If so, they are probably drying you out, leading to cracked nose membranes and plugged up lymph nodes. Then on top of this, if it is particularly dry in your house or your neck of the world and/or if you are not drinking enough fluids, this adds to the problem.

Ah right I will attempt to get copies of my lab results then :) i didn't even know it was possible to ask for them. Although whether or not this is a good idea for me I don't know. As I have health anxiety I tend to obsess over things like that but if you say doctors take better care of you if you show interest it's worth it.

And I actually don't have any allergies or take any medication for it, the only medication I was on was co-cyprindiol which is the contraceptive pill and I know that has some side effects. Whether that could be causing this I'm unsure of.
I stopped taking it 2 days ago now because that even crossed my mind before I put this topic on here that it may be causing it but the headache hasn't eased.

Just very confused as there's no real clear signs as to what is causing all this.

Lee Grant Irons
12-09-2013, 07:03 PM
I found that having my labs helped reduce my anxiety, because it helped me clear up all of the questions in my head. I could actually see what problems I did not have. No need to wonder whether the doctor was missing something or blowing me off, which people with anxiety love to wonder. LOL It gets rid of the "wondering" element of anxiety. And at any rate, it is easier to get a second opinion if you walk into an office with your labs in hand.

You could still be dehydrated, leading to the swollen lymph node and cracked membranes in your nose. Drink more fluids and see how that goes. Also, you should get out and take a 3 minute walk every day. Your lymph system is actually a large fluid return pumping system in your body. Exercise helps move the fluids through it and keep it flushed out. Excericse is like the draino for your plugged lymph system plumbing. So try adding in exercise and more fluids, and see what happens.

12-13-2013, 12:18 PM
My glands are always swollen too. And my jaw gives me headaches. It could be muscle tension too. I always feel like my ear needs to pop. When you're anxious people tend to clench their jaw without knowing too. That could be giving you temple headaches

12-13-2013, 05:40 PM
I always get those headaches when I'm on my period or a week before and sometimes after and there is nothing that makes then go away.. Very frusterating..

12-13-2013, 05:52 PM
Thanks for all the replies everyone it's really helping.
I actually went to my doctor for other reasons but I mentioned my headaches, as I was developing a stiff neck and getting worried. She felt my back and neck muscles and said they feel very tense and tight and that can give you headaches. I did say to her that my anxiety hadn't been that bad lately, she said it could be just showing up now in your muscles but everything I've described to her she isn't worried about.
So lets hope that's just what it is, going to try a massage and relaxing techniques to see if it helps. :)

Lee Grant Irons
12-13-2013, 06:17 PM
Ha! I just noticed I said "take a 3 minute walk." Yes, that would be very helpful. LOL I meant a 30 minute walk.

12-15-2013, 07:10 PM
Ha! I just noticed I said "take a 3 minute walk." Yes, that would be very helpful. LOL I meant a 30 minute walk.

Haha I will try that :) so far the headaches have not got any better or worse. I haven't developed any other symptoms as of yet.

I was looking up about ice pick headaches and that does sound similar to mine in my temples. I'll get random shooting pains in different places in and around my temples. Then they just kind of throb for an hour or two and it gets worse when I'm on the computer etc.
I did consider it being my eyes but I already wear glasses and got them checked about 3 months ago.
Not sure what my next approach to finding out what's causing them will be yet.
Still that awful doubt that it could be a brain tumor :( I don't think that'll ever go away unless I had an MRI scan.