View Full Version : Aha!

12-09-2013, 01:58 AM
It is a day to celebrate, today I had one small episode.. ONE!! In my car stopped at a red light.. Until it went green and BUBBYYEEE!! YES YES YES! Although.. Fearing in pregnant... NOPE! Nothing can break my stride today, HA! Amber 1 anxiety.. Well.. I win today mother f*cker!!!!!

12-09-2013, 02:34 AM
It's great to hear people having a win against it well done! I have awesome days were I do t have any issues and other days I can have a couple, I think it's the not knowing what's going to happen today that makes you anxious!! I hope you continue to have wins!! : )

12-09-2013, 02:52 AM
Me too!! Ofcource, we all have our ups and downs.. People without anxiety have good and bad days.. It's human nature. But we just need to find the inner strength to pull through and and go to sleep with tomorrow is a new day in our minds :)

12-09-2013, 05:05 AM
Take that m**ther f***er!!! Amber in the house!!! YAY!!

12-09-2013, 03:10 PM
Haha winning!