View Full Version : 2 week mark for sertraline

12-09-2013, 01:38 AM
So today I have been taking Sertraline for 2 weeks I did not have any seriously bad side effects and have felt great ( I know it's not the tablets)

At CBT on Friday gone she decided I was doing so good we should have a 2 week break, on Saturday I noticed my heart rate was a little low coming in at about 53 so now I have checked it all day since some kind person told me to look on drug interactions and I seen Sertraline can make propanolol work a little more and I also seen on the side effects of propanolol that its not uncommon to get a slower than normal heartbeat

This did not put my mind at ease I couldn't help but feel I was going to go into cardiac arrest even tho I haven't been feeling dizzy or short of breath maybe a little tired but that's about it

I am back at the doctors today and I am going to ask to reduce my propanolol an come off it eventually simply because it never done a thing for me that's why I decided to go on the Sertraline because I was still feeling terrible

Anyway has anyone come off propanolol an had no withdrawal?