View Full Version : please can you all help me

12-09-2013, 01:31 AM
I suffer with really bad anxiety and argraphobia :( I struggle leaving the house :( so I barely go out, I am overweight as my not getting out and walking only exersie I get is cleaning :( im really struggling atm as ive got a cold my my breathing is all over the place :(, ive woken this morning and ive got the shivers so I have brought my blanket down but my heart is beating so fast and im scared my heart can take much more, im freaking out please if you can help me calm down please please thank you for reading x

12-09-2013, 01:36 AM
Do some deep breathing and try and think about good things... The deep breathing will calm your heart..

12-09-2013, 01:42 AM
Take a deep breath and hold your breath for 3 seconds and let go keep doing that until your heart rate comes down and it will come down Hun just hang in there your worrying about what your heart can take is making your heart beat faster

Your heart can beat at 200bpm for a good while without doing any damage

So just take deep breaths hold it and let it go

12-09-2013, 01:45 AM
Ok Hun, get a hold of yourself. I have a cold too.. It's horrible I know. Have tissues nearby all the time, if you can't breath through your nose properly than blow it, when laying down lay on your back and have 2 pillows so your chest is more open to breath properly and if on yor back the mucus in your nose will run down the back leaving it easier to breath. Now overweight you say.. Try eat healthy.. Easier said than done yes but it will help your overall health, anxiety and weight. I understand your anxiety problems but you have to push yourself.. Walk outside and look at the sky.. Concentrate of the breeze on your skin, the sounds like the birds the warmth from the sun.. Allow yourself to get consumed by your surroundings of nature.. Keep doing that everyday but walk a little further each time.. Don't think about the people or the cars or anything.. Easier said that done.. But try so hard to concentrate on the birds chirping on the breeze.. Excersize does wonders for anxiety.. You need to push yourself or you will be this way forever.. It will only get worse if you dot face it hun

12-09-2013, 01:45 AM
Im breaking down I feel so ill with my cold and now my heart feel so werid and beating so fast, im 10 weeks and 2days pregnant, im going to be a terrible mum :(

12-09-2013, 01:49 AM
Ok Hun, get a hold of yourself. I have a cold too.. It's horrible I know. Have tissues nearby all the time, if you can't breath through your nose properly than blow it, when laying down lay on your back and have 2 pillows so your chest is more open to breath properly and if on yor back the mucus in your nose will run down the back leaving it easier to breath. Now overweight you say.. Try eat healthy.. Easier said than done yes but it will help your overall health, anxiety and weight. I understand your anxiety problems but you have to push yourself.. Walk outside and look at the sky.. Concentrate of the breeze on your skin, the sounds like the birds the warmth from the sun.. Allow yourself to get consumed by your surroundings of nature.. Keep doing that everyday but walk a little further each time.. Don't think about the people or the cars or anything.. Easier said that done.. But try so hard to concentrate on the birds chirping on the breeze.. Excersize does wonders for anxiety.. You need to push yourself or you will be this way forever.. It will only get worse if you dot face it hun

I have been eating healthy now for two months since I found out I was pregnant, I will try and go for a walk today thanks :)

12-09-2013, 01:50 AM
Honey!! Don't think like that! Use it as motivation! GET ANGRY! NO I WON'T LET MY CHILD COME INTOTHIS WORLD WITH A WORRIED MUMMY! You NEED to do this for yourself, an your child Hun.. I know you will be okay and a great mum, you just need to see this as something to make you stronger, more able to cope with motherhood. You CAN do this, take a nice warm shower, it relieves cold symptoms, relax an watch a movie.. Get consumed in the movie.. Take a nice big deep breath in, then calmly let it release don't force the breath out.. Keep doing this.. It will help I promise you will be okay and you have all of our support x

12-09-2013, 01:56 AM
You are bot going to be a bad mum at all don't think like that I am a mum and I thought like this until I realised I was still doing everything I used to do even tho I felt unwell it was just my mind telling me I wasn't

You have a cold so it's making you feel horrible remember its not anxiety it's a cold jut tell the anxiety I have a cold so I don't need you aswell and everytime you feel bad just say it just a cold