View Full Version : Consantly on Edge

12-08-2013, 09:47 PM
I'm 22 years old. I literally think I have something wrong with me everyday. I've noticed that my anxiety makes me aware of every single aspect of my body and then I go online (even though I know that's the worst thing to do) and eventually convince myself that I have some crazy terminal illness. As a kid, I was always worrying that something was worse than it was but I've developed actual anxiety throughout college.

If I feel the slightest bump or mark on one side of my body and if it isn't symmetrical to something on the other side of my body, I panic. The worst part is, I keep all of this panic inside and don't ever talk about it so on the outside, I look fine but I think subconsciously I'm always a little on edge.

I just want to learn to relax and not dwell on every little thing. Can anyone relate? Any suggestions?

Thanks :)

12-09-2013, 02:33 AM
This is the EXACT same as me! I'm 20 year old & i've had really bad health anxiety since i was 15 so every little thing i find on my body, every twinge or pain, i google them! It drives me insane, i hate it!! I can't talk to anyone cause they won't understand why i feel like this .. its a horrible situation to be in! What makes you anxious?

12-09-2013, 06:11 AM
Me too! I'm 31 and my health anxiety started in the 8th grade. It has came and went over the years, but now it's really bad. I notice every little ache, pain, twinge and flutter. I'm going crazy!

12-09-2013, 06:19 AM
I am the same, always analyzing my body, how I feel. If I get sick, sore, pains, twinges, anything I instantly think it's something hideous and that is going to kill me!

12-09-2013, 06:50 AM
Hey snicole,

Us anxious ppl here with the health anxiety tend to be overly aware of everything about our body. One day it's fears of a heart attack, the next a brain aneurysm, or going insane or having stomach/ lung cancer... One wrong hair on the head and it's time to spiral..

Last night I was getting twinges of pain at the base of my neck. "Oh my gosh, it must be something wrong with my brain! And what? Now these chest pains too?! Oh no, not a heart attack!"


We are in control. We have a brain. And our brain has to look at the situation from logical standpoints; can you really be dying from all those things at one point or another, or at the same time? Seems hardly likely, unless you have some serious bad luck.

But even though we know that logic, it still doesn't stop us from worrying and all the adrenaline pumping through the system during the first few seconds of finding/feeling something alarming to us.
Somehow we've entered a really bad habit of our brains going into overdrive when we detect something wrong. And it's up to us to try and retrain ourselves to not do that anymore. To not freak out when something feels off, cause really, panic isn't going to cure anything, but it's always the first thing that comes to do.

Next time you are concerned about something, try to first take a step back approach.. deep breath and analyze the situation. More often than not, you are okay. And in being calm in this, you are helping to prove that you have control and that your brain doesn't always need to freak out so fast. It also might help to take a bit of a cavalier approach.. "Hey body, you feeling off and funny today, huh? Well, that's fine. Whatever you want to do." Totally downplay it.

Hope this helps you, and good luck ! ......... :)

12-09-2013, 11:44 AM
Never fear- this is so true. I read an article that said, people with anxiety are so in tune with their bodies that some can hear the blood flowing through their veins. Now that would be torture!!
Sometimes I will be so worried about something small and silly and will come to myself, like...what am I worried about? It's a pimple...lol.
Recently, I had a filling done on my tooth..well it's been bothering me for a few days and I find myself dreading something terrible happening with my tooth. I have to keep stopping my thoughts and rerouting them. Even if I have to have something fixed, it's not a big deal!! The mind is a powerful thing!!

12-10-2013, 10:49 PM
Thanks for all of the responses! While we're all suffering from different types of anxiety, I can't help but feel a sense of reassurance knowing I'm not all alone in this lol. I definitely agree that those with anxiety tend to be very (if not too) in tune with their bodies. I'm way too aware of things that no one else would or should pick up on.

I'll have to keep reminding myself that I don't have all of these completely unrelated illnesses and really work on thinking things through and allowing myself to relax. It honestly amazes me what our minds are able to do to us!

Thanks! :)