View Full Version : Is it in my heart or head?

12-08-2013, 07:10 PM
Hi I am new here but have been looking at these forums a while.

Basically about 3 years ago I suffered a really bad panic attack I went straight to hospital thinking I was getting a heart attack. An EKG and BP were taken both were fine, I was told I was fine and to go home.

Ever since that night I have never felt the same! I get chest pain, pain and numbness in the left arm pain in the neck and sometimes jaws. I also suffer with a really sore shoulder which clicks with movement, that movement sends pain to the centre of my chest and the mussel across my breast on the left side, I think this is the source of my anxiety and panic!

I have had 3 EGK's, heart echo, stress test, blood test and BP all of which came back fine. But yet I can't get the thoughts of me having a heart attack or heart failure. Anxiety never leaves me if it's not my heart I get anxious about other things!

Has anybody got some advice please!!


12-08-2013, 08:37 PM
Hey dude,

Yes, read the post "drugs" in the medication section posted today. No, it isn't your heart friend. Rule just one thing out, it'll tell you what that is. Then post back up here tomorrow. Chillas bruh!!


12-09-2013, 01:03 AM
Hey dude, Yes, read the post "drugs" in the medication section posted today. No, it isn't your heart friend. Rule just one thing out, it'll tell you what that is. Then post back up here tomorrow. Chillas bruh!! E-Man.

Hey man I had a look. Bit confused are you saying get meds or eat good or both?

12-09-2013, 01:14 AM
Same here. I went to the er today because I've been having a constant chest pain, dr did a chest xray EKG and blood and said it showed no signs of heart failure it heart attack.

12-09-2013, 01:39 AM
Same here. I went to the er today because I've been having a constant chest pain, dr did a chest xray EKG and blood and said it showed no signs of heart failure it heart attack.

How long have you had the pain? Go to a cardiologist get more tests done! I have been to see one ruled all signs of heart problems out but I still feel like something will happen me I just don't feel right!!

Some days are good others are bad, I can't tell if it is in my head or real!

12-09-2013, 01:59 AM
I'm going to one next month, I've been dealing with this for almost 3 months..

12-09-2013, 02:09 AM
Try a new approach... Try approaching your symptoms with thoughts like.. It is anxiety.. I'm not dying because majority of people here, myself included our symptoms are Infact anxiety.. I get all those problems.. But I know it's anxiety because I know I'm healthy.. And I havnt had all these check ups! Try treating yourself with anxiety instead of heart conditions and what not. It may help..

12-09-2013, 03:21 AM
Try a new approach... Try approaching your symptoms with thoughts like.. It is anxiety.. I'm not dying because majority of people here, myself included our symptoms are Infact anxiety.. I get all those problems.. But I know it's anxiety because I know I'm healthy.. And I havnt had all these check ups! Try treating yourself with anxiety instead of heart conditions and what not. It may help..

Some days I can tell myself that it is only anxiety but others it gets to much. The thing is I know it's in my head but the feelings are so real it's hard to think that it's all just in my head!

I can wake up in the mornings feeling great but slowly through out the day it builds up and stays with me until the next morning and goes back around to the same process. I might not get a full blown attack but really comes close.

Does anyone else experience the same situation?

12-09-2013, 09:37 AM
Some days I can tell myself that it is only anxiety but others it gets to much. The thing is I know it's in my head but the feelings are so real it's hard to think that it's all just in my head!

I can wake up in the mornings feeling great but slowly through out the day it builds up and stays with me until the next morning and goes back around to the same process. I might not get a full blown attack but really comes close.

Does anyone else experience the same situation?

I could hv written ur post...my anxiety started just like urs, 15yrs ago...

12-10-2013, 01:02 PM
Usually when the doctor says your fine, youre good! i understand completely what youre thinking and feeling right now..
Ive had anxiety for a little over two years and im 18, my anxiety started completely random.. In august it got so much worse..i used to have anxiety attacks every couple weeks, and i was able to shrug them off and let them go.. But now, i have every day diziness, Im scared..i can barely leave my house..but i have a job and school so i have too.. im always scared its my heart.. But i can do normal things that people with heart problems cant do. You just gotta remember its all in your head. i know its hard..especially when all the physical symptoms feel so real. The diziness,heart palpilations, sweaty, scared and all of that. but it will be okay :)

12-10-2013, 01:42 PM
Same here ... How can our minds play a role like that on us?

12-10-2013, 03:52 PM
I get chest pains every now and then like an elephant is sitting on me and feel the pressure. It's where ur muscles tighten I suppose when u get panicky. And yes you can get panicky to a certain extent without really knowing.

Iv suffered with anxiety for years and I do it medication free I take herbal stuff and I fight it every day. But I know my heart is ok other wise I wouldn't be here? And trust me if you go for so long feeling the same way u don't even know ur doing it anymore and don't even realise you are panicking. I now don't know what it feels like to 'relax' and 'feel normal' because I'm constantly stressed and tense and suffer with a phobia of vomiting which gets worse in the winter.

If you had anything wrong with ur heart they would have picked it up by now the brain is a very clever organ will make u think and feel all sorts

12-10-2013, 06:39 PM
I get chest pains every now and then like an elephant is sitting on me and feel the pressure. It's where ur muscles tighten I suppose when u get panicky. And yes you can get panicky to a certain extent without really knowing. Iv suffered with anxiety for years and I do it medication free I take herbal stuff and I fight it every day. But I know my heart is ok other wise I wouldn't be here? And trust me if you go for so long feeling the same way u don't even know ur doing it anymore and don't even realise you are panicking. I now don't know what it feels like to 'relax' and 'feel normal' because I'm constantly stressed and tense and suffer with a phobia of vomiting which gets worse in the winter. If you had anything wrong with ur heart they would have picked it up by now the brain is a very clever organ will make u think and feel all sorts

Yeah sounds right! I think it is mussel tightness across the chest just on the left side. I over think things and I am way too stressed I get stressed thinking about stress.

When i feel tightness or pain my mind shoots into a fear mode without thinking. I try to tell myself it's anxiety and I can fight off an attack but the pain stays with me and I can fell like I'm dizzy or an out of body experience kind of!

But it does not have to be chest related I can get panicky about fullness or bloated-ness, heart rate anything really!!

One thing I know if it was my heart it would not of lasted this long.

12-10-2013, 06:52 PM
The thing with me is my body stays in pain. Just the last 3 months it's gotten worse and the worse it's ever been.. That's why I think it's heart related Or heart disease, I went to the we Sunday night vas after all test came back they said normal. And no signs of heart failure. But I'm still in pain even when I'm happy.

12-10-2013, 07:10 PM
The thing with me is my body stays in pain. Just the last 3 months it's gotten worse and the worse it's ever been.. That's why I think it's heart related Or heart disease, I went to the we Sunday night vas after all test came back they said normal. And no signs of heart failure. But I'm still in pain even when I'm happy.

Have you experienced panic attacks? What kind of pain and where do you get the pain just in the chest?

I think the pain stays with you all the time if you think about it all the time! I can be out on a night out having a great laugh and I can still be on edge or worry about pain. You really need to be focused on something else to totally forget about it.!??

12-10-2013, 07:14 PM
The pain goes from pain to pressure/ the pressure is usually in the middle
Of my chest or around my left breast, the pain is sometime in my back under my left rib and left arm.. The pains arnt sharp they are more of a aching dull pain. It's so scary. I wonder has anybody ever experienced this.

12-10-2013, 07:31 PM
Brian, you mentioned a clicking in your shoulder right? I would try visiting a chiropractor. It could be that a quick adjustment would set you to rights. That little "click" or misalignment could be pinching or pressing on a nerve which then extends pain across your chest, arm, breast bone and/or back. Go get snapped, crackled, and popped and voila!! Pain is gone!!

12-10-2013, 07:40 PM
The pain goes from pain to pressure/ the pressure is usually in the middle Of my chest or around my left breast, the pain is sometime in my back under my left rib and left arm.. The pains arnt sharp they are more of a aching dull pain. It's so scary. I wonder has anybody ever experienced this.

I usually have a tightness over the left side of the chest, really sore under my left shoulder blade! It can go anywhere from there to the centre of my chest, numb or tingly left hand, really sore neck left side bloated or sore stomach along with sweating feeling nauseous or find it hard to breath!

TBH your are only 3 months in go to a doc try get a short of meds for anxiety and go see a councillor! There has to be a trigger you need to find it. I am 3 years in know what caused it but need to find a way to help me feel less anxious.

12-10-2013, 07:43 PM
Brian, you mentioned a clicking in your shoulder right? I would try visiting a chiropractor. It could be that a quick adjustment would set you to rights. That little "click" or misalignment could be pinching or pressing on a nerve which then extends pain across your chest, arm, breast bone and/or back. Go get snapped, crackled, and popped and voila!! Pain is gone!!

Really!! Yeah lot of clicking and I can feel it when I put my hand over my breast! Lot of tightness too. I must try book an appointment thanks Natbaby!!

12-10-2013, 07:44 PM
Thanks and by me googling " heart disease" is making it worse.

12-10-2013, 07:51 PM
Thanks and by me googling " heart disease" is making it worse.

Googling will make you think you have even more symptoms!!

12-10-2013, 07:54 PM
Honey tell
Me about it..

12-10-2013, 08:02 PM
Honey tell Me about it..

Do yourself a favour and stop! Google relaxation it can help but you need to stick with it I wish I did!!

12-10-2013, 08:12 PM
I wish I never googled seems kind Im having all the symptoms

12-10-2013, 08:16 PM
I wish I never googled seems kind Im having all the symptoms

I did the same! Have you seen a cardiologist?

12-10-2013, 08:29 PM
I won't be able until next month hopefully. When my new insurance Kicks in..