View Full Version : asthma fears

12-08-2013, 05:49 PM
hi all,

for 2 years i've had breathing issue's it came with anxiety,i first thought i was having a heart attack but managed to convince myself i wasn't and been ok with that since, but since then ive had breathing issues near enough for the whole 2 years, been to the doctors 4 times listened to my lungs and i did a peak flow test which was all good, im definately hyperventilating and my posture isn't helping,as it was i had asthma as a child up until 8 where i outgrew it (25 years old now) and im scared stiff im going to have a massive asthma attack and die, may sound silly but seems to be how my mind works, just wondered if anyone else has the same fears and any words of wisdom and reassurance will be greatly appreciated, thanks

12-08-2013, 06:01 PM
This may be an idea to calm your fears, just carry it with you in case you need it, and relax. It's NON-prescription. Just ask the pharmacist for it, and tell them it would help you to have it even if you don't need it...I don't have the same fears but I can offer this and also reassurance that you'll push through this issue. Sometimes, we just need a crutch persay, to prop us up. See if you can find one of these. Bypass the Doctors....Best wishes Andy.


12-08-2013, 06:10 PM
thanks for the reply, it's a great idea which im going to look into(if it helps me sleep at night) deep down i know its anxiety,i can take a deep breath and everything it just "feels" like i cant my chest doesnt feel heavy and no coughing, and my parents (very supportive) seem to also agree its anxiety after listened to me breathe . thanks for you helpful words

12-08-2013, 06:26 PM
Sure seems like a small investment to help give you some comfort bruh! Have yer parents pick one up and see if that helps you.

Best wishes.