View Full Version : How can i improve my memory?

12-08-2013, 02:37 PM
Hi ,does anyone know how i can improve my memory ?im having a lot of memory problems and i think if i keep having ill get very depress. So im Brazilian In brazil we speak portuguese , so at work some people speak spanish others speak english sometimes now im even forgetting words . Like i know portuguese and english some spanish but sometimes im talking with someone and i forget words i feel so stupid and i forget things i have to do too . I dont know if is my anxiety or if is my medication that is doing that i would like to know if anyone had these problem and what did u do to get better thanks.

Chris C
12-08-2013, 04:15 PM
What medication are you taking? Anxiety can definitely impair your thinking.

12-09-2013, 01:39 AM
Im on lexapro but i took prozac and Paroxetine my doctor try me on Bupropion hcl but didn't help me with my panic attacks