View Full Version : Comments on the bus

12-08-2013, 02:27 PM
So today i got on the bus and some girls behind me kept making horrible comments about my looks lets just say back to square one feeling so down on myself they were right and that's what hurts don't wanna go out ever again 😕

12-08-2013, 02:58 PM
That's horrible!!! Hun, your imperfections are perfect. You need to learn this. Everyone has issues with themselves, even models. If its something you can help, like weight. Then do something about it, it will be great for your self esteem and anxiety too! Go onto a site when you get a chance, it's called tiny Buddha, it is amazing with so many blogs on everything. Read through it find self loving ones... And really go through it with an open mind. It helps me alot, I swear by it! You are beautiful... Don't let anyone tell you different.

12-08-2013, 03:12 PM
It wasn't weight I've lost a lot recently one comment was about my hair and how bad it looks I'm such an ugly person.

12-08-2013, 03:24 PM
No Hun your not! People are so cruel!! Look, it is A state of which you need to change how you think, but you can do things to help make you feel better about yourself in the process! Please tell me, even PM me what you feel is ugly about you and why? Try do so in details and ill see what I can come up with to help make you feel better about these things. I know I have alot of issues with myself. Like I get acne, so i do daily Beaty things to help with that, my hair gets oily easily and I hate the natural curl about it.. So I wash it regularly and straighten it.. I feel really white so I sometimes use spray tan.. I bit my nails due to my anxiety which leaves them looking hideous so I get fake nails.. Dry skin.. The list goes on!! I have alot of tricks up my sleeve, so it may help :) just an idea. But really get on that tiny Buddha site and give it ago! In here for you hun x

12-08-2013, 03:32 PM
one comment was about my hair and how bad it looks I'm such an ugly person.

Consider the source. I don't think I'd even want to associate with such a person, no great loss. I've seen perfectly beautiful young ladies being rudely addressed by others about an imagined flaw in their appearance. Stupid is as stupid does.

After a major (and undesired) change in jobs at work, and the discovery that my brother had a neurodegenerative disease that has since cost him his life, I developed a phonic and motor tic. I was off work for a few months, and had great fear of returning, lest I tic and be ridiculed. My shop's been great, a few tics here and there, no one even batted an eyelash, and I work in heavy industry. In fact, I'd always apologized when they'd slip out, and I was told not to worry, no need to apologize. The only request I had was to have the form that causes people to swear, so I could tell the bosses off without getting in trouble. Unfortunately I was unable to accommodate.

Here's a link to a man with Tourettes, and the difficulties he had in public. He came to terms with his problems, with himself, and a few issues in life and has learned not to be inimical to his tics, but to understand them in another way and has gained an almost unprecedented control over them (not shown here, after I posted the original link, it was pulled from YouTube. It seems to me that perhaps the money to be made by motivational speaking actually exceeds the drive to help. Go figure). I just couldn't imagine the ridicule he must have been subjected to, but he became a motivational speaker.

New Link:


Best Wishes.