View Full Version : Congestion causing anxiety!!

12-08-2013, 01:11 PM
So, I never get sick. EVER. I don't even remember the last time I had a cold. But, a couple of weeks ago, my husband got sick, then my son. Apparently now it's my turn. I don't even feel that crappy but, especially at night, the congestion is almost unbearable. I have used breathing to calm myself if and when feeling anxious, and now that I can barely breathe through my nose, I'm unable to relax myself. As of last night, it has brought on panic. I feel like I'm suffocating. When I'm awake and alert, I realize I'm fine, but at night, and when I wake up, I can't convince myself. Any advice, or similar situations and how you got through it? Thanks.

12-08-2013, 03:02 PM
I'm living that hell right now, keep tissues right beside your bed, every time you feel like your suffocating blow your nose. Take some cold and flu tablets before bed, preferably night time ones which will help you sleep too. Sleep on 2 pillows to prop yourself up so your chest is more open and lay on your back which will allow the mucus to go to the back leaving it easier for you to breath. It's hell I know... :(

12-08-2013, 05:36 PM
I hate having having nasal congestion too. It definitely increases my anxiety when I can't breathe properly through my nose.

Obviously there are a bunch of OTC products you can buy that will clear your nose, but the problem with these - as I'm sure you know - is that many of them contain ingredients that can increase anxiety. I tend to steer clear of them, though I do occasionally take Advil Congestion Relief as I often get bad sinus headaches/migraines, and that product helps me a bit.

I sometimes use a natural product called Sinus Buster. It is basically a pepper spray that you spray up your nose and while it is a bit uncomfortable right after you do it (!), it definitely does help to clear the congestion. You can buy it at Walgreen's (if you live in the US).

I also put a few drops of Eucalyptus Oil on a tissue and breathe that in (but don't touch your nose with it, just hold it close to your nose). And I find that a really hot shower helps, especially if I hold my head forwards (as hot as you can stand for as long as you can stand so that the steam really has a chance to loosen some of the congestion).

Hope you - and Amber too! - feel better soon!

12-08-2013, 07:20 PM
The problem is I don't use anything synthetic. Right now I'm using a few different things from Boiron.. I'm also drinking a lot of different herbal teas that are intended for colds. I'm using Manuka honey, drinking lots of water and consuming about 2000 mg of Vitamin C daily. I've also used a neti pot... I know I'm getting better but the congestion is the last thing to go. I've used vapor rub, a vaporizer, and even nose strips. The shower has been the only sense of relief, but it doesn't last too long. I still wake up feeling like I'm suffocating, that's when I panic. I have to breathe through my mouth at night and that's when I feel like I can't breathe or calm down. I start thinking what if I can never breathe through my nose again? How would I survive? I just want my nose back. :(

12-08-2013, 08:11 PM
Agreed! My nose is my own little calm relief.. Breathing through my mouth makes my anxiety worse.. Go figure?

12-09-2013, 09:10 PM
my congestion has gone. thank god. i survived. thanks for the support. :)

12-09-2013, 09:37 PM