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12-08-2013, 10:40 AM
Hello I am knew to this so be nice :)

I guess my anxiety started when i found out that i wasn't getting back into college. When i found out i hid the letter simply because i did not want to tell anyone that i failed i kind of pushed it all to the back of my mind. But one night it all got to much for me i just could not stop crying i told my family how i was feeling. So following Monday i went to the doctors and they said i have anxiety.

I feel like someone has took over my body because it has changed me. I have nausea something which i think is more serious but is that the Anxiety telling me this?

Every time something is wrong with i automatically think its more serious than what it is ? Is that Anxiety? Also a funny feeling in the backs of my legs

I would be thankful for a reply

12-08-2013, 11:18 AM
Hello I am knew to this so be nice :)

Every time something is wrong with i automatically think its more serious than what it is ? Is that Anxiety? Also a funny feeling in the backs of my legs

I would be thankful for a reply

Hi Marty,

Replies shouldn't be a problem. Good group. As to always thinking that something is more serious with you, you should find many sympathizers, myself being one of them.

Doctors offices are filled with people, such as you and I, with anxiety related concerns. I worked in safety for several years, and one year attended a seminar that had a physician discussing Industrial Related Health Issues. Anyway, the conversation eventually changed to patients expressing symptoms to doctors.

From the doctor's mouth, he said that if too many symptoms are mentioned, the doctor just tunes out the patient, relying on testing, observation, and the like. So if you say that you have chest and neck pains, maybe related. But if you say you have migraines, your left hand index finger hurts, right big toe, and you have intestinal cramps, he/she may stop listening. It's best to be seen for things that may be anxiety related, but if tested and reassured, try to relax.