View Full Version : Anxiety Social Net

12-08-2013, 09:45 AM
Ugh, Anxiety Social Network, my first contact with the world of anxiety forums, it was making me more tense than helping to relieve it. I had this deluded impression that forums, such as ASN, was designed to help fellow anxiety sufferers cope with their anxiety by sharing experiences with other members.

Having made the major transgression of telling fellow members that the forum seemed to be nothing but a "Tiny Chat" announcement center (Tiny Chat, not affiliated with ASN, but that drew an administrators admonishment when the conversation there apparently drifted off into sexual conversations with people spoofing others screen names), and a "Facebook, the Anxiety Edition", designed for, or having members mostly under 30, I was sternly told off by several members, including one that just posted that she just survived her anxiety sufficiently long enough to go Christmas shopping, but somehow, anxiety prone as she was, under went a Dr. Jekyll - Mrs. Hyde transformation for her tirade. Amazing.

My experience with ASN is that it's very Clique-ish. Of course members that are part of a fairly well connected group thought my assertion was absurd, but then they don't see any issue because no issue exists for them. My call for people to at least acknowledge other member's posts, not necessarily rising to become personally involved with them, was met with derision. A few kind words, a "Like" when appropriate, for people other than members of the Clique, would have considerably raised my estimation of my fellow members.

Due to the continued Peyton Place atmosphere, the virtual complete lack of appreciation for any comments posted to members on questions about anxiety, and the inexplicable bi-polar posting of people being happy one second, posting a "Happy Face", followed in 15 minutes by the same person posting that they are now deeply sad, posting a "frowning face" and wanting a "Tiny Chat", were too much for me. The idea that people are incapacitated by anxiety but can sit up the entire night, chatting away, short circuits my mind.

The irony is that I quit within 1 hour of having made enough posts to be a "Senior Member".

Any comments?

Lee Grant Irons
12-08-2013, 07:42 PM
Hello Artaud,

I have no experience with that particular forum. However, I think you have come to the right place at this forum. In my short time here, I have seen that people help each other at whatever level of need they have. And the very senior members here are not cliquish at all. Now, if it weren't for the fact that most everyone is still in the throws of their anxiety, life would be peachy. LOL

12-08-2013, 08:00 PM
I've looked over that forum verrrry briefly, never stayed for so long. It didn't appeal to me much either, so I can understand why you didn't enjoy it. I decided to come to this one instead, and met some really nice people. I agree some places can wallow in negative energy, whereas others choose to have a more upbeat, and logical approach to problem solving.

One of the best psychological terms that can describe this condition, is the idea of secondary payoff. Some people really do get a heck of a lot out of their misery. Whether that be attention, freedom, validation... Whatever, you name it, people get it.

It's nice to be a part of a more productive place. For some reason this forum attracts some very intelligent minds, and very enlightened spirits. Now Lee has come to be a part of it too. The good people still seem to be finding their way here!

12-09-2013, 02:42 AM
I began to think I wasn't going to find a place, but I agree with you both about this site. I've read posts by people that have many more problems than myself, yet there doesn't seem to be the "woe is me" that I grew used to there. When I wrote my lament to ASN, it was not just for me, but in fact for a few more timid members that I'll miss watching for and commenting on their posts. Well before I quite ASN, I had downloaded the APP for this forum and registered here, and I mentioned this site on ASN. I hope that a few of those members make there way here as I am sure that some do naturally, even without my hints. Thanks to you both for the comments, I do appreciate them.

12-09-2013, 08:06 AM
I've been on other forums, although not for anxiety/mental health disorders.
During my stint as a weightlifter/bodybuilder I was on some forums of that nature, but of course I was the one that didn't "go with the flow" because I wouldn't buy $80 tubs of crap that did nothing, and would grow stronger, bigger, and faster than all the other fella's in there while they spent half their time taking pictures of their "stacks" that had just arrived in the mail. Bottle and bottle, jug after jug, tub after tub.
I would take pictures of a gallon of milk, with some chocolate, with 9 eggs sitting next to it, and my pre-workout drink..kool-aid.
I was eating 6000 calories a day, and at one point gained 13 pounds in 10 days. It's called the bulk phase, but I did it with food and the only (1) real supplement that will help you to gain weight and pack on mass out of the 100's available. Creatine mono. It was greatly helpful for my intended purpose because a larger muscle (creatine forces the muscle to hold water, making it larger) can pull heavier amounts of weight and that's what I wanted to do to force them to grow. You tear them up, rip the tissues, cause pain, to make them heal with microscopic layers of tissues. I was pulling 455 off the floor and benching 335 7 times before my joints exploded. HAHA!!
They were pretty much a bunch of dumbassess that believed everything they saw, in a muscle mag. Which, are complete bullshit anyway.
Not (1) single guy in those mags, got as big as they are, by anything in those magazines. Trust me. I take real steroids, every day and week. That's how they got big.
I took a picture of my vial of testosterone and posted it, Look, There's a fuggin stack assholes! Then I left...LMAO!!
I was also on another forum or two because of this auto-immune disease. I read story, after story, about the 12 different meds that they were on, they still felt like shit, their hair was falling out, their kidneys were shutting down, their blood count is all messed up, they can't stop vomiting, they felt terrible, BUT that sure was a great cookout they went to with brats, dogs, burgers, and piles of shit food that (feeds) their damn diseases and they ALL really thought that they had the World's Greatest Rheumatologist....but they were all complete trainwrecks. None of them, were their own advocates. None of them even knew a damn things about the medications that they were being injected with. They just "took the Dr's word for it" and I didn't find (1) other person that said "Wow, I feel great!"....
I eventually got banned from the site. I got a message from the Mod that said "You're to strong and people here think you're scary".. Imagine that.

I like it in here! It's homie and I can say what I want too. And even though it may appear as harsh or brash at first, most people that take the time to read it again can see it's just my own style and that I really do wish to help, and care....:)


12-09-2013, 08:43 AM
I like it in here! It's homie and I can say what I want too. And even though it may appear as harsh or brash at first, most people that take the time to read it again can see it's just my own style and that I really do wish to help, and care....:)

I work in heavy industry with over a thousand other guys and a ton of contractors. Harsh and Brash are daily occurrences. You are indeed a man of many words, such a relief from the 15 words or less that essentially defined the other site. One young man said that he read some of my posts, but they were too long. Shouldn't be a problem here ;-)

Thanks much.

12-09-2013, 08:48 AM
No, it isn't a problem here because of your ability to keep the attention/captivate the reader. It's a poetic style, metaphorical, eloquent, but some will not understand it because of it's complexity. There's an artist in there dude!!! Keep posting Artaud... you're helping people more than you know.


12-09-2013, 12:20 PM
It's really interesting to learn more about how you came to be lead this forum, Kev. I was wondering about that. Just want to say that you do an awesome job!! I really like it here a lot and I agree that it attracts some outstanding people. I also like that it's a very international forum. That ensures a great diversity of knowledge and experience.

I too have been on a number of different forums over the years. Since depression is a big problem for me I have been on a number of depression forums. I did actually join a really good one where I made a lot of friends and we all had a lot of laughs, as well as giving each other a lot of support. There was a big "lighthearted" section on that particular forum where you play games and just chat about all kinds of things, nothing to do with depression. I really appreciated that. But some of us got a bit too rowdy or something I guess and anyhow something started not sitting too well with the powers that be on that forum. It's a long story about what ended up happening, but anyhow, I did have a positive experience on a depression forum.

Equally I've been on other forums which I hated the vibe of. Definitely, different forums have very different philosophies about how they are run. And that naturally has a major impact on the type of members it attracts.

What I really like about this forum is that it isn't over-moderated and that you can express yourself however you need to, including saying "fuck" if that's what you feel like saying. While that could, potentially, cause some problems, it never seems to here. People seem to do a great job of more or less self-moderating. I have yet to see any nastiness on this forum and I've witnessed quite a bit of that elsewhere.

So I really appreciate the way you run this forum, Kev. Thank you! And thank you to everyone else here who makes it great!!

Lee Grant Irons
12-09-2013, 04:29 PM
Although this forum is a pain at times with people just bitching about their problems , i do get that this is their way of discovering what is happening to them . I think this is needed to help in recovery . But i must say that the one thing this forum has over any other is the people and their open mindedness to a very complex problem .

Thanks for sharing your story. And thanks for sticking it out, Kev!

12-09-2013, 04:55 PM
This forum is a heaven sent, I find myself always on here looking for new ways to deal with things, reading people's opinions and stories, helping people.. And the majority are open minded, kind and knowledgeable.. IT'S FANTASTIC! Sure, some just like to bitch about their problems.. But you'll find that everywhere. And it's interesting to see how they deal with it.. Some would say even learn from their mistakes.. One thought comes to mind.. Oh HELL no I'm not winding up like that! Haha

12-09-2013, 05:30 PM
This is the first anxiety forum I ever joined...back in September I was trying to figure out which one to actually be a part of.. I was considering a place called "Anxiety Zone" for a bit, but there was something about this place that I liked more; maybe it was the way the site was laid out, or the colors :P ..point is, I was kinda taking the decision pretty seriously-- I didn't want to just sign up and not be an active member, and I also didn't want to be a member of several anxiety forums.. the thought of doing that seemed somewhat odd to me.

In joining this site, I was taking a huge gamble because I wasn't sure what the atmosphere would be like here. Turns out, I got lucky and made a great decision. The people here are quite amazing in sharing there vast knowledge and experience with anxiety.. And I've had more fun and great advice than I thought I would ever get out of this place, and that's all thanks to you guys.. goes to show a forum is nothing without the people in it--you all totally turn this place into a home! ;)

12-10-2013, 01:55 AM
I have joined 2 forums other than this one, one is anxiety connect I don't go on this anymore there is 2 many people asking for money for meds and phone numbers etc this put me straight off that site

I also joined no more panic and I posted twice on there one thread that got 183 views but no replies and one reply to someone who totally freaked out on me, they were wanting a proper examination from their doctor!

Now this statement is not mean to freak anyone out and mean no intent to freak anyone out but like I explained to this person I work in a gp surgery and I know how some doctors can be very uninterested and its just too much work for them referrals mean lots of computer links and dictations which means after hours work so remember they became GPS because long hours in hospitals was just not for them on the other hand there are a lot of doctors that really want to do everything they can to help its all about finding that doctor!! This person didnt like the fact that I told them to try a different doctor and I had 3 people bad mouthing me

I love this forum I have made some really good people to chat to if not all of you, everyone is so very friendly I am on here everyday

12-10-2013, 03:56 AM
This forum is a great help to me & I've met some amazing people on here. I like to check in at least once a day .
I've had some great advice & some laughs & as I say made 2 very lovely friends who I now keep in touch with .
It helps me to know I'm not alone with my problems , :-)

Steven Daws
12-10-2013, 12:50 PM
I have only been here a very short while, but I am very glad I joined. I looked at other anxiety/panic attack forums, and I did take a look at ASN. For some reason, I didn't get a good vibe from looking at the posts, so I kept looking.

Everyone I have met on here so far have been really friendly, we are all here to help each other as best we can.

12-10-2013, 04:52 PM
For some reason, I didn't get a good vibe from looking at the posts, so I kept looking....Everyone I have met on here so far have been really friendly, we are all here to help each other as best we can.

I had high hopes of the ASN, but you could literally post a comment or question and not have a single response to it. I can't believe the exhaustive responses that some members provide here, very detailed, a generous amount of their time to people that are the newest of members. I think the social part of ASN was missing, it was a meeting place for a select few, and a weeks worth of posts may have been fewer words than a single answer here.

12-10-2013, 05:22 PM
a weeks worth of posts may have been fewer words than a single answer here.[/QUOTE]

k. (You knew I was gonna do that).....:)

12-10-2013, 05:35 PM
k. (You knew I was gonna do that).....:)

Actually, you came readily to mind as I was writing that ;-)

12-10-2013, 05:45 PM
He he he...:D