View Full Version : symptoms causing anxiety vs anxiety causing symptoms

12-08-2013, 09:07 AM
Im off work today. And being the hermit that I am ive been sitting at home all the live long day being anxious. Woke up in the morning felt great.. it was turning out to be a good day when I suddenly started coughing (I have an intense fear of coughing/feeling like im suffocating) which brought on a wave of panic. I didnt have a panic attack but for half the day now ive been feeling so bad. Chest tightness, stomach feels queasy and feel like im going to faint or lose my mind.
The thing ive been wondering about is, that I wouldnt have started being so panicky had I not started coughing. The anxiety was brought on and usually is always brought on by some kind of pain in my body or unusual feeling. Im never just anxious for no reason. So is this really anxiety? Or am I just a hypochondriac? If I wasnt so focused on what my body is feeling I would probably never feel panic.
Although then again its definitely my nervous system overreacting to a normal bodily function. Coughing and mild chest pains is not something to get this worked up about especially as ive been having these pains for half a decade... hmmm

12-08-2013, 09:10 AM
Please read my latest post (rant) in the medication section VH!
I can see you're trying so hard to figure this all out, maybe, it'll help just a tiny bit...:)