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12-08-2013, 02:14 AM
Went jogging last night for the first time in yeaaaaars. It was impossible!! But I managed to jog/walk for half an hour. The father I ventured away from home the more I could feel panic spreading through my body (been agoraphobic for about 2 years) but I kept going. It felt great afterwards and I slept like a log.
Exercise really does burn up all that adrenaline pumping through our anxious bodies. Dont let those toxic stress chemicals linger inside of you. I know exercise sounds like a nightmare for us anxious folk but it is crucial. In addition, a basic health check every 6 months or so and eating good wholesome food.. you should be on top of your game.
Ive quit heavy drinking and smoking but I do enjoy the occasional glass of good red wine :)
I want to go to nepal next year so I must get over this fear of not having hospitals around at all times..

12-08-2013, 02:20 AM
I agree! Excersize does absolute wonders! The first few times will be hell while doing it but straight after or hours later you should feel great! You did really well Hun, keep it up! x

12-08-2013, 06:35 AM
WOW!!! Congrats VH!! :)

12-08-2013, 12:03 PM
Awesome! I agree that vigorous cardiovascular exercise is one of the best things for depression and anxiety (or just one of the best things, period!). Running has long been my favorite form of exercise. I'm the opposite of agoraphobic. I'm claustrophobic. So running (or hiking) on miles of nature trails is when I'm in my element. It's doubly impressive that you got out on the trail despite your agoraphobia, vonnhelsing. Well done!