View Full Version : Please...

01-27-2008, 12:00 PM
Has anyone on here ever had a swollen lymph gland on their neck that doesn't hurt but just feels bigger than it should and quite solid? Really quite worried about this and I keep thinking it might be lymphoma. I think I'll go to the doctors next week just to have it checked out. Now harm in that right? It's good to have it checked out just in case...cos this isn't an imagined thing it's actually there...

01-27-2008, 01:53 PM
Has anyone on here ever had a swollen lymph gland on their neck that doesn't hurt but just feels bigger than it should and quite solid? Really quite worried about this and I keep thinking it might be lymphoma. I think I'll go to the doctors next week just to have it checked out. Now harm in that right? It's good to have it checked out just in case...cos this isn't an imagined thing it's actually there...

You are quite right to get it checked out, but there are many many minor reasons for swellings in the lymph nodes so please try not to worry too much, its probably just a viral thing.

01-30-2008, 04:12 PM
I'm gonna wait to see whether to go to the doctor for a while, maybe next week if I must go. This is because I just learned that continually prodding, feeling, examining and generally touching the swollen lymph nodes prevents them from going down and back to normal. I reckon I must feel them a few times an hour when supposedly just touching them once will prevent them going down for at least another day...I'm going to try really hard not to touch them and in a few days see if they've gone down at all. If they're still not down I can just go to the doctor and ask him if he can do a biopsy (or send me somewhere to have a biopsy done), right?