View Full Version : Can't get past my anxiety

12-07-2013, 09:09 PM
Hi everyone

It's my first time here. I am 29 years old. Am so sick of my social anxiety i am really at the end of my patience with it and feel so upset.
Whenever there is a social function coming up even if it is weeks away i get worried and nervous and end up feeling so sick leading up to and after the event. I feel like everyone is constantly judging everything i say so i end up not saying much and looking like a snob. I feel like this on and off. If it is my work collegues i am fine unless i have to stand in front of them all and talk and then i get shaky and go red. If it is my husbands friends i just clam up and end up looking so awkward. i am a nice person and feel like i have so much to give but i don't make new friends very easily and feel like i can't meet my full potential because of my fears on how people see me.
Some days i can't go to the supermarket or into town worried that i might see someone i know.
i have been to counselling and have been given tools to deal with social situations but it doesn't work, I end up feeling extremely nervous and quite often i will drink way to much so that i end up not caring what anyone thinks, which i know is not the right way to deal with it.
I really don't know what to do anymore, i'm sick of feeling like this as it is exhausting and i am worried that when we have a family i am going to pass these bad thoughts on to my children which makes me really upset because i want them to be happy, confident people and not have to feel like this.
Any suggestions?

12-07-2013, 09:40 PM
You should maybe try and get on a med

12-08-2013, 02:24 AM
I started doing this months ago before my severe anxiety hit due to recent events, but google self esteem, Howto not care what people think, etc i have found an amazing site called tiny budda and it is honestly brilliant and has a blog for so many situations. Try building yourself, don't google anxiety in public and what not because reading that stresses me more.. But just general "don't give a fuck" blogs are brilliant. I have learnt so much from these and use then everyday for my anxiety.. Give it a go, no harm in trying and it helps you learn more about yourself in the process. WIN WIN!

12-09-2013, 09:25 PM
Thank you so much i will definately go and have a look anything is worth a try! :)

12-09-2013, 11:00 PM
Agreed! Let me know how you go :)