View Full Version : weak arms

12-07-2013, 08:45 AM
oes any one get a weak arm a lot like me? mainly my left I've had it a few month on n off. i do get it in my right but mainly left. what can be causing this? I do already have symptoms such as chest pain shortness of breathe but the arm weakness is horrible

Lee Grant Irons
12-07-2013, 10:57 AM
hello emtw,

I hate to see anyone's post go unanswered, so here I am. :) I know how easy it is for anxiety to take control and make it difficult to think straight. I posted a response to your question in the following previous post you made: Muscle telated (http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?23291-Muscle-telated). You have a number of other posts where you are asking this same question and where people have responded.

I think you could use a little help in trying to resolve this problem that might be an illness that is causing secondary anxiety. I'm afraid to say that if you go into a doctor's office in a highly anxious state, most doctors will just treat you like you need ONLY psychiatric help and will not even bother looking for a different primary illness. Just so you understand what could be required of you to get this sorted out, I will tel you my own short version of my story. Once I figured out how to work with doctors and once I found a doctor who would work with me, it took me 3 additional years and 4 pages of problem solving plans to get a final diagnosis and treatment that made me feel better. I will start typing up my notes and will post them at the Sane Life Group (http://anxietyforum.net/forum/group.php?groupid=12) (this is a link to the group where you can join) so everyone can see what kind of effort I had to go through.

I a saying this because you might need to go through a similar effort at getting your health problem resolved. I would like to help you with this, if you would like, but it will take some initial effort to get started. Would you like to try?

12-07-2013, 11:08 AM
Hi. I always get weakness in my left arm, sometimes it runs down my whole left side. I don't know this for sure, but I think it is related to the tightening of our muscles and in turn they pinch nerves. I sometimes even have pain along with it, it's no fun I know. Most likely if it was something serious it would never go away and continue to get worse. Try to remember that, it helps.

Lee Grant Irons
12-07-2013, 11:27 AM
Hi. I always get weakness in my left arm, sometimes it runs down my whole left side. I don't know this for sure, but I think it is related to the tightening of our muscles and in turn they pinch nerves. I sometimes even have pain along with it, it's no fun I know. Most likely if it was something serious it would never go away and continue to get worse. Try to remember that, it helps.

Interesting idea. Makes sense. So this would be a way that primary anxiety could be driving these symptoms. Great input! :) My own arm pain, numbness, and weakness occurs without the anxiety due to my thyroid condition.

12-08-2013, 03:02 AM
thanks. I have it on both arms but mostly the left a lot and pain sometimes too! and chest pain :( how do you keep calm mistiblue? I am going to try get my thyroid tested again. I would like some help Lee, that would be great

Lee Grant Irons
12-09-2013, 11:26 AM
SOrry this took so long emtw I have posted information that you can start using and where we can start discussing your particulars at the Sane Life group on this website (http://anxietyforum.net/forum/group.php) (clicking on this link will take you to a page where you can join the Sane Life group). You will find a post titled "Free Falling that contains a link to chapter 2 of my book titled "SANE - Solve Your Problems, Achieve Your Goals, Save Your Life" which I just posted there for people to read, use, and discuss.

If you can't join or access the group for whatever reason, you can jump right to my projects blog where I have published the early editorial release of this chapter by clicking here (http://leeirons.blogspot.com/2013/12/sane-chapter-2-free-falling.html).

By the way, Chapter 1 of my book can be found on my SANE Book Blog (click on this link) (http://sane-book.blogspot.com/), if you first wish to read about my own experience with problems.