View Full Version : All I wanna do is eat!!

12-06-2013, 10:31 PM
When I'm anxious, all I wanna do is eat!! As of lately, I'm always anxious and that's not good because I've been eating like a pig!!
I have gained like 10 lbs!! It's making me more anxious!!

12-07-2013, 12:52 AM
Ahh, I'm in a similar situation .__.
I'm not sure whether it's my depression or anxiety making me eat heaps, but either way, it's horrible, huh? :(

I know this is all so much easier said than done, and I will definitely be talking to my psychologist about this as well for extra support (you should talk to whoever you see as well, they definitely be helpful!)... BUT, I've heard that there a few things that can help you to prevent giving into cravings/urges to eat unnecessarily. Like:

~Drinking a glass of water. Sometimes you're just thirsty. Tea is also good, as it has a nicer taste + depending on the tea, can be more filling.
~Have nice, tasty, filling + nutritious snacks around the house, like muesli bars, saltine crackers, bananas, etc. Try and avoid having too many "treat" foods around the house.
~Substitute your "treat" foods for healthier versions, and same with other foods. E.g. I try to have froyo instead of ice-cream, flax and linseed bread instead of white, brown rice sushi instead of white rice, dark chocolate instead of milk or white, etc.
~Allow yourself to give into cravings sometimes, and don't beat yourself up about it. Try and eat as little of the bad foods as possible, but once in a while it's fine. Maybe even have a day of the week where you let yourself go a little. Then you're more likely to stay motivated.
~Try sugar-free gum or candies, or apparently frozen fruit, to give you that sweet "hit" without the badness.
~Make sure to plan and eat nutritious, filling meals that you can look forward to and really enjoy. Then you'll want to save room for them AND you'll feel satisfied afterwards.
~Apparently, apples or cinnamon (I'm not sure in what context, I'm assuming just a little taste of cinnamon, or cinnamon tea or something?) are supposed to help stop your appetite from getting out of control if you're craving something. I'm pretty skeptical, but it could be worth a try - especially as both are delicious XD

Hope these help! I'll definitely be trying them as well, so we can try and beat all this random eating together :3 Haha... Good luck!!

12-07-2013, 01:12 PM
Thank you...great tips!! I will definitely have to try them..