View Full Version : Any pregnant or already moms?

12-06-2013, 07:20 PM
I'm currently 18w and so far my anxiety had been ok. In fact I had not been on this app in a few months! (This might be long!)

I don't deal well with change, especially not major changes, and the last few months have really been difficult! My husband and I have been out of work since October (there is a long story behind that) and my Mother in Law and Sister in law had to move into our 2 BR apartment with us because they lost their living arrangement.

(This is not an ideal situation for a couple trying to get ready for a baby!)

So I had been doing well, for the most part. And then all of a sudden yesterday things just got very overwhelming for me! I had been worrying about our finances, or rather, lack there of. And I was feeling like things are very hopeless right now. I saw some depressing stories online and automatically began thinking of the scariest most depressing thoughts.

Thoughts about getting terminal illness and not being able to raise my baby. scary thoughts about losing my hubby in some tragic way. Just scary dooming thoughts. I got a minor panic attack. Heart pounding, racing, fear and sleeplessness.
It was. Horrible.

My question is:

I don't know if I should talk to my OB about medicine?? I was on Celexa for seasonal Anxiety for last two years. But I was start in October and wean off in March/April and I have felt it has been a lifesaver for me.

Well this winter, being pregnant I didn't even want to bother with meds so that baby will be healthy. BUT last night was just an overwhelmingly terrifying reminder of the hell that is Anxiety. Should I try therapy instead?

I'm just curious if anyone out there had bad anxiety during pregnancy and how you coped??

Thanks for listening and for your feedback!

12-07-2013, 11:51 PM
Hiya,i was pregnant nearly 2 yrs ago now but my fear was always my heart goin fast which gave me anxiety,and i have a health anxiety,well i have never took any meds before,when i found out i was pregnant i was worried because of giving birth and yes your mind does work overtime,i was fine until i was alot bigger and i could feel my heart racing alot but the docs wasnt concerned they said your carrying extra blood round your body so your heart goes faster,i hated that feeling but i got through it,i know u will get through it aswell,our bodys are stronger than what u think,always tell your midwife things aswell that u have anxiety,try getting a nice shoulder massage,let me know how u get on xxx

12-08-2013, 12:15 AM
I am 35 weeks pregnant and dealing with severe anxiety and panic attacks. I was on Prozac before I was pregnant and quit it cold turkey as soon as I found out I was pregnant. That was the wrong choice! My anxiety has been terrible and I recently had to go on leave from work as well as start a low dosage of Zoloft. I'm starting to feel better now, but I would strongly recommend talking with your doctor and finding out what is best for you! You want to be able to enjoy your pregnancy and not be overcome with anxiety. Trust me, I understand where you're at and if you have any questions let me know!! Good luck :)