View Full Version : how do i feel

12-06-2013, 05:36 PM
i swear my mood is changing 24/7 one minute im fine but as soon as im alone the same shit happens. its soo annoying ive almost become beg to be with other people coz i hate my own company wtf?

im back on the drugs too i dunno how bad that is its what i call 'self medication'

please reply.....



12-06-2013, 06:27 PM
Hey Mike. It's good that you're having periods where you feel fine! That sounds like a big improvement, in fact. I remember not long ago you were posting that you were feeling really bad all the time and just wanted to hide away. But now it seems you're wanting to hang out with people again. I'm really glad to hear that.

When you say you're back on the drugs, do you mean your anti-depressant? Did you come off it for a while? Or do you mean you're self-medicating with recreational drugs? Sorry if I've missed some of your posts somewhere along the way.

Let us know where you're at with your anti-depressant and your therapy. It definitely sounds as though some things are improving. So I'm really hoping you can build on that! Hang in there, Mike!