View Full Version : help please. question about anxiety induced muscle tension

01-26-2008, 11:28 PM
I have had severe anxiety for about the past 5 months because i thought i had a disease. My right arm and right leg have been having serious twitching. recently the same arm and leg feel really tight or stiff whenever i walk up stairs or go for a run. sometimes just walking can cause it and it gets worse in cold weather. does this sound like anxiety induced muscle tension? does it usually make your whole body tense or can it manifest itself in a few muscles like i'm experiencing? thanks

01-27-2008, 12:09 AM
muscle tension can be from anxiety, do you thing you could be subconsiously tensing up those parts of your body because of your nerves about the twitching?

01-27-2008, 12:29 AM
yeah, it is possible because i am contantly worrying that it is going to tighten or cramp up

01-27-2008, 01:20 AM
also if anyone could describe what their anxiety induced muscle tension feels like that would be good to know. thanks

01-27-2008, 02:50 PM
I dont know if mine is anxiety induced, considering my neuro thinks it was from a birth related injury...But I never had this before, so who knows who is right till I get some test done.

But the left side of my neck is really tense and tight. I keep telling him I sit a certain way for months that probably isn't good and that I am always anxious blah blah, but he still thinks it is due to my birth.

But the pain I feel is like a numb feeling but it isn't numb sometimes along the left side of my face, a slight cramp or kink sort of feeling on the left side of my neck or face, sometimes my left arm or leg feel slightly weak but aren't and I have some pain there.

I dunno he gave me some physical therapy exercises to do and sometimes they help, but Im on muscle relaxant too. I just am afraid I am being misdiagnosed because of my birthing , and I have so much anxiety.

01-29-2008, 10:50 PM
just last night i had a hand tremor which was also in the right hand. could anxiety affect that side because it is further from the heart, perhaps because of circulation? i keep reading that muscle tension is a symptom of anxiety but the sites don't really explain what that means. is it a feeling like its about to cramp or contract?

02-07-2008, 04:59 PM
I know exactly what your talking about. I have been dealing wih anxiety for the past severl years, basically since I was 15, no I'm 34. My muscles are alway very, very tense. I'm talking from head to toe. I am always on edge and jumping at any little noise. I have always been a very active and outgoing person and typically enjoy life. But for the past several months I feel as if I'm falling apart. Daily anxiety, even when nothing triggers it, extensive worry about having an illness even thought I'm very healthy, heart palpations which I've been told are nothing to worry about and what ever else decides to hit that day. I do take Lexapro and Toprol and Xanax prn, but lately this has become around 2 times a day. One thing I have tried is deep tissue massages. About once a week for an hour. Insurance pays half, so check on yours if you decide to try this. Take care and Be Well!