View Full Version : Is this anxiety?

12-06-2013, 05:06 PM
Hi all. Im a new member.

My story starts about 6 months ago.

This springs from a dizzy spell back then, to which I got diagnosed with eustachian tube dysfunction, but I feel the problem is now more anxiety based.

However i would like to know for certain if this is anxiety, and where to start addressing the problem.

my doctor prescribed me 80mg of slow release propranolol, but im struggling to notice a difference with and without the medication.

my symptons are as follows:

-tight chest
-feeling of confusion
-strange feeling in my head (cant explain it)
-feeling of needing to escape something (i can never work out what though)
-bad back (may or may not be related)
-energy levels being zapped

these feelings seem to come on out of nowhere, I cant find a trigger, I dont feel anxious before it happens, and the only thing I can think of to feel anxious about is feeling like that, so its a bit of a nasty circle.

does this sound like anxiety??

sorry for the long post, as I say im a new member but this is ruining my life and it would be nice to hear some opinions.


12-06-2013, 05:11 PM
Yes this sounds like anxiety. Have you had any panic attacks?

12-06-2013, 05:21 PM
One proper one (i learnt it was a panic attack after having it).
there has been a fair few times I feel like im on the edge of having one and manage to bring it back.

when I think about it, this was where the feelings all began.

I also feel like im constantly self assessing my body, every little twinge and pain that I would brush off before, now makes me feel like im dying.

so to you this does sound like anxiety? is there any reasons why the medication my doctor is giving me wont be helping? and where would I start the road to recovery?

I know there wont be any definative answers to those questions, but i feel lost, dont know where to start and feel like I want to give up on life. (not in a suicide way, but in a way where I want to give up my job (which i love) and stay in bed all day every day.

for the record I feel worse the first hour of being awake, and then any time after 10 or 11 when i start to get tired, until i eventually manage to get to sleep.

Ive also never been a good sleeper, have had night terrors for as much of my life as I can remember, but never had it looked into. Would this be any way linked, or make me more susceptible to anxiety issues?

also, a month before this started my life was at an all time high, I started a full time, well paid job that I had been chasing for a year or so, finances were back on track etc etc.

Thanks, George

12-06-2013, 05:34 PM
my symptons are as follows:

-tight chest
-feeling of confusion
-strange feeling in my head (cant explain it)
-feeling of needing to escape something (i can never work out what though)


You're under a Doctor's care, does he/she believe it anxiety?

Propranolol can be used for anxiety. It's a non-selective beta-blocker, but it also crosses the blood brain barrier. Non selective means that it effects beta receptors throughout the body. Selective beta-blockers block specific beta receptors, such as in the heart.

Tight chest is fairly common with anxiety. Confusion, as in difficulty thinking or in some other sense? Needing to escape sounds like anxiety maybe bordering on panic attack? Last, but not least, the strange feeling in your head. I'm curious, try to explain if you are willing. Did it occur before or after you started propranolol? I had a weird problem when I was on it, but I took more of it years ago without problem. I think my recent problem was an interaction of sorts with medicine I take today.

12-06-2013, 05:45 PM
When I say confusion, what I mean is difficulty focusing or concentrating on a simple task, along with what seems to be my motor skills are reduced.

I feel very clumsy, and struggle to think straight about a task which I have done before easily in the past.

The feeling in my head is very hard to describe, uhm... kind of dull, achey, fluttery, heightened sensitivity... imagine how people react to some scraping nails down a blackboard, and the feeling that prevokes... that, but in my head most of the time... its really very hard to explain.


12-06-2013, 05:52 PM
Not the same as me, I was getting these bizarre shocking sensations into the sinus area. Did your issue start before or after taking propranolol?

12-06-2013, 06:05 PM
Not the same as me, I was getting these bizarre shocking sensations into the sinus area. Did your issue start before or after taking propranolol?

I cant be sure to be honest. Since this has all started, ive noticed lots of feelings and changes in my body that I never did before, so i cannot time stamp if this was before or after taking medication.