View Full Version : Caffeine problem

12-06-2013, 03:24 PM
Years ago when my attracts started coming back I read somewhere in the internet that caffeine irritates anxiety so I instantly stopped drinking fizzy drinks and tea and I just drink water milk and squash but I just miss drinking a cup of tea does anyone else drink tea or any other caffeine products and feel their anxiety worsen could I just be over reacting

12-06-2013, 04:02 PM
I was a heavy Caffiene addict. I'd drink 2 energy drinks and 2+ cups of coffee a day.. All was well, but this was before my major panic attack. Now I stay away from coffee and energy drinks. If I'm having a good day and need a boost ill have a can of coke.. But I have a cup of tea everyday. Dosent seem to upset me.. But you never know, I just think it's better than coffee and I drink it last to relax myself.. Ended up having a massive panic attack, not sure if it was because I couldn't breath as I have a cold or it may be having tea before bed. Unsure, but give tea a go first, it has the least amount of Caffiene.

12-06-2013, 04:13 PM
Thanks for the reply :) an same I used to drink like a big bottle of Pepsi a day and the odd energy drink, back then I was ok just wished I didn't read that about caffeine it's the knowing bit most the time anxiety brings on symptoms, then we blame something else

12-06-2013, 04:14 PM
High amounts of caffeine can make anxiety worse, true. A cup of coffee, is mildly stimulating and may only contain about 50 to 60 mg of caffeine. Caffeine also helps the mind work better in small amounts. Response time is better. Just don't drink a pot of coffee, and try to sit in an office cubical and stare at a computer. Green tea has an amino acid present in it, that counteracts the effects of the caffeine it contains. I believe it's called theanine. I'd personally drink more green tea if I had to drink caffeinated beverages. Plus, most caffeinated beverages are loaded with sugar. In fact, those Monster Energy drinks have as many as 18 teaspoons of sugars in them. Would you stand by the sugar bowl and eat 18 spoonfuls of it and not expect to have anxiety or appear as if you have ADHD like I do? NOPE!!! To summarize, caffeine can make anxiety worse, so can sugar, just don't over use either one...:)

12-06-2013, 04:17 PM
Also, those "energy" drinks have taurine and phenylalanine in them in high amounts. Look those up!! LMAO!! One of them can actually cause some pretty serious complications but as long as they sell it, that's all the company's worry about....

12-06-2013, 04:32 PM
I agree! I was an addict! I was a gym freak and I had no sugar besides energy drinks.. But I had a holiday to Hawaii to visit my partner and only had 1 cup of coffee black no sugar.. At the airport leaving him biggest panic attack. Since then I've been to afraid to even think about coffee or energy drinks.. Espesh since my father had a heart attack 2-3 weeks ago and died. When I was drinking all the drinks my chest was always sore and my heart would pump so hard, I worried about a heart attack one day but I had the thought well everyone dies.. Since my father and massive panic attack.. Nope you can have your heart attack thank you.

12-06-2013, 04:33 PM
Sorry, 1 cup of coffee a day, didnt have any before I left for the airport***

12-06-2013, 04:38 PM
Yeah! I too was a gym freak..but my pre, during workout drink of choice was plain old kool-aid. My body needed those simple sugars to squat 535 pound, at 43 yrs old! And afterwards, plain old chocolate milk and no $100 a tub protein bullshit drinks either. I grew faster than anyone else in there. In fact, there was a study at IU just down the road from here that proved chocolate milk was the best post workout supplement to repair damaged tissues. Well, it worked at the time. Just wishing I could drink milk, or chocolate, or even sugar anymore!! LMAO!!

12-06-2013, 04:40 PM
oh, and I forgot the egg yolks, 12 a day. They are a "steroid"... totally useless information that I'd thought I would share. :)

12-06-2013, 04:47 PM
Oh nice! That's very interesting!

12-06-2013, 05:03 PM
I got more useless info too! Most people think that if they eat foods that are high in cholesterol, that their cholesterol levels will go higher? Wrong. It is caused by the amount of bad fats that people eat, that skyrocket their cholesterol levels. That's why this whole "cholesterol free" advertisement that we see every where is amusing. The intestine and digestive systems are terrible at absorbing dietary cholesterols...but they love fats!!! Fats trigger the body to make, more cholesterol. YAY!!! Science is so cool! :)