View Full Version : Breathing problems or anxiety??? since september

01-26-2008, 11:25 AM
Hi im 19 years old and ever since september ive had panic attacks! ive been to the ER been to plenty of Drs Appointments everythiing is fine from what they say! but i consciously think about my breathing like if i dont i wont breathe and my chest is always tight and it feels like they are full of something like i dont have nothing there! and i do smoke but ive cut down and i was a heavy drinker please help it is so uncomfortable to not know whats wrong ??? :( :( :( :( :( :(

01-26-2008, 12:52 PM

Trust me, it is only because you are thinking about your breathing that it becomes a problem. It keeps going while you are asleep, which is proof that you don't need to consciously control it.

I know exactly how you feel because I used to have the same problem. I'm pleased to say it has got a lot better in the last year or so.Trust the doctors and try not to think about it.

Best of luck


01-29-2008, 05:56 PM
Anxiety tends to cause a tensing and tightening of muscles. And when this happens to muscles in your chest, breathing can feel difficult. This is EXTREMELY common with anxiety conditions, but is ot indicative of any pathology of the respiratory system itself. And, unless you are asthmatic, this is not the way that any smoking-related respiratory problem is generally going to manifest itself intially (shortness of breath on exertion and smoker's cough ar MUCH more common).