View Full Version : Anybody online? Havin a meltdown &no one here to talk to - help

12-05-2013, 06:46 PM
sorry to bother anyone - I'm having a really bad anxiety episode is there anyone online to chat? I feel after a hugh amount of distress, and panic and anxiety that now Im coming down with something and I can't relax - its 145am here (Ireland) so if theres no one here no worries. thanks

12-05-2013, 07:01 PM
I am! It's 9:00 pm my time! I've already taken xanax way earlier..... Got to fiddling with my Christmas tree and it was pissing me off!!! Lol and then I started getting wobbly headed and had to calm myself down! Sucks to be up at 1 am I've been there.... Not in a while though! You'll be ok I know you prob get tired of that saying though ;)

12-05-2013, 07:15 PM
Thanks stocktona - Im just in bits - Ive a horrid headache that won't go away and if I'm coming down with something my anxiety gets soooo much worse and my mind is racing and I'm feeling exhausted and really frightened (and wobbly headed)

12-05-2013, 07:24 PM
I'm sorry you think you're coming down with something :( I get anxiety over the same things.... Funny my head has hurt yesterday and today and I was wandering myself if I was getting sick.... But let's remember getting sick is just part of our hectic lives!! :) sucks I know. I've been trying to retrain my thought process and quit over analyzing everything so much ya know? It helps to talk to someone... Don't be frightened!! I'm sure this don't your first go around with these feelings. They'll pass. You'll just be really annoyed in the process. I want to cry sometimes because I get so annoyed with anxiety! Think of other things. How's Ireland?? Lol

12-05-2013, 07:28 PM
Thanks Stocktona. I know what u mean. Tough to talk to ppl here as theres and understanding up to a point and then its just "ul b fine relax"! Ireland is bloody damp and cold!!:)

12-05-2013, 07:32 PM
Boo! Good ole georgia is damp and WARM!!! In December :/ our weather is bipolar. HA! I hope you get to feeling better friend!!

12-05-2013, 07:36 PM
lol. Thanks so much ur very very kind to reply to me "cry for help". Its so hard at the moment. And I was doing ok for such a long time

12-05-2013, 07:39 PM
Well for what it's worth I felt the same way a month ago when I had my first major panic attack. Felt like such a failure! Because I was doing so good. But hey were all different and people like us are unique :) :) were all here for eachother no matter where at in the world.

12-05-2013, 07:42 PM
thanks for that - thats a lovely thing to say. I'm literally sitting here in pain and shaking with fear afraid to stand up in case i get "wobbly"!

12-05-2013, 07:45 PM
Well I'm relieved someone else feels that wobbly feeling I do. Do you take any kinds of meds? Do you have something to take the edge off so you can get some rest? I used to think I could drink my anxiety away HA that didn't work just made me hungover and more annoyed in the morning lol.

12-05-2013, 07:49 PM
yeah the wobbly thing is bloody awful isn't it? Im taking lexapro for anxiety and diazepam for "peak anxiety". But when it gets BAD (like now) i have xanax but i don't like mixing benzo's. Plus i get exhausted easily and I'm afraid if i take a benzo it'll get worse. Im probably wrong though, right??

12-05-2013, 07:53 PM
Yes it's awful!!! Ugh!! I was prescribed lexapro. But was to scared to try it..... How has it worked for you? If you've already taken your one benzo I'd take the xanax. It will take the edge off. I've tried klonopin and others xanax works for me quick. Hey it's late there it'll probably know you right out! Lol take a half dose if you're more comfortable with that. There's no need in suffering like this when you don't have to. And tomorrow when you wake up don't look at this as a failure. Let it go and move on to the next day :)

12-05-2013, 08:04 PM
Ok will take a xanax and hopefully fingers crossed I'm not coming down with something. I find the lexapro were absolutely fantastic - i couldn't believe it - and considering i get every bloody side effete going when starting on a drug I found them not too bad at all. they are a very "clean drug" in that there aren't many side effects. What dose did they give u to start on?

12-05-2013, 08:10 PM
Good take it!!! Lol 5mg. But since I had a bed reaction to Zoloft I told them I was scared to take it so they said take 2.5 mg for the first 7 days.... But of course I didn't because I'm a scaredy cat! Maybe I should call them and rethink that decision....

12-05-2013, 08:22 PM
Well i know everyone is different but lexapro is one of the "good ones" or the friendly ones! I think if u were going to giv anything a go - its lexapro. yeah 5mg is the lowest dose - even better if u can start on 2.5mg. (Im totally gonna take that xanax right now!). but yeah only u can make the decision to take it - don't b forced. Maybe take it - see how u feel and take it a day at a time?

12-05-2013, 08:27 PM
Yes I'll have to put some thought into it! Fell better I'm falling asleep lol :) always here to talk if you need to! Take care :)

12-05-2013, 08:29 PM
U are so kind!!! thank u so so much xx

12-06-2013, 04:50 PM
Good take it!!! Lol 5mg. But since I had a bed reaction to Zoloft I told them I was scared to take it so they said take 2.5 mg for the first 7 days.... But of course I didn't because I'm a scaredy cat! Maybe I should call them and rethink that decision....

Dont be scared! I actually am just the opposite as you....5mg Lexapro gave me a bad reaction so I tried a teeny tiny amt of zoloft, in liquid form. I remember the doc saying that the amt he prescribed is what he would give a child with ocd. I take it along with another med called Buspar.
Anyway, its always good to start as minimal as possible with the SSRI meds, especially if you are hypersensitive to meds.

12-06-2013, 05:32 PM
Dont be scared! I actually am just the opposite as you....5mg Lexapro gave me a bad reaction so I tried a teeny tiny amt of zoloft, in liquid form. I remember the doc saying that the amt he prescribed is what he would give a child with ocd. I take it along with another med called Buspar. Anyway, its always good to start as minimal as possible with the SSRI meds, especially if you are hypersensitive to meds.

What reaction did it give you? I've been prescribed 10 mg and have taken it twice now. I did have a side effect I believe. Can you have them the first day you take them?

12-06-2013, 06:23 PM
What reaction did it give you? I've been prescribed 10 mg and have taken it twice now. I did have a side effect I believe. Can you have them the first day you take them?

My anxiety level was just at a 10+ for days. It didn't work well. With Zoloft, I took it before and only had minimal effects
....but I stopped. Now I'm starting it again..same dose, but having some other side effects....stomach upset, loss of appetite. Pretty much all SSRIs can cause temporary side effects when initially starting. Not sure if you would feel side effects from one dose. It took me a few dosages to start to feel the effects.