View Full Version : All day heart flutters

12-05-2013, 03:12 PM
Anyone been thru this I am so scared right now someone please tell me if u have experienced all day heart palps is this safe ?????

12-05-2013, 03:46 PM
Please anyone!??

12-05-2013, 04:02 PM
How are u feeling now?have they gone?i get them all the time,i have got them now because i have a cold.

Terre Nova
12-05-2013, 04:25 PM
Anyone been thru this I am so scared right now someone please tell me if u have experienced all day heart palps is this safe ?????

You're heart can beat up to 200 bpm without anything bad happening! Have you had a ECG OR EKG? If so then you're going to be just fine..
Palps are just another rotten symptom unfortunately... Taking some stress vitamins can help with calming your overactive nervous system which in turn will calm you heart down...
Heart attacks don't generally start with rapid beating heart... So calm down and drink some organic green tea also grape seed vitamins are great for heart health (not that you have anything wrong) just piece of mind.. I take them everyday..
:) xx

12-05-2013, 04:44 PM
I had them for three days in a row once. Scared the crap out of me to start with... but I'd been to the doctor a few weeks before and he assured me it was just a symptom of an attack so I tried not to panic. By the second day I was no longer scared... but still getting them (I guess my subconscious was still panicking??) Long story short I was ok... try taking a magnesium suplement, the chemist will know which ones help with stress :) xx

12-05-2013, 06:44 PM
Edited: had them for three days in a row once. I'd been to the doctor a few weeks before and he assured me it was just a symptom of an attack so I tried not to panic. By the second day I was no longer scared... but still getting them.

I used to write on an arrhymia forum. The important thing about palpitations is to have a doctor confirm that they are not life threatening. Other than that, I get hundreds to thousands of Premature Ventricular Contractions (PVCs) daily, sometimes I go into remission, but largely I have had this condition since I was in my teens, and am now in my 50s. Some of the forum members get as many as 10,000 a day and the doctors still don't treat it.

Doctors look for where the source of the arrhythmia comes from (either the top or bottom half of your heart), how normal your EKG is otherwise (some irregularities in the spacing or detail of the various parts of the heart signal can indicate problems), and other things to determine if it's dangerous or not. If the heart is otherwise normal, palpitations are much more common than you think, that's why the doctor may not be as concerned as you feel he or she should be. There are a variety of benign arrhythmias (palpitations of one sort or another), you'd be surprised.

Avoid caffeine at all costs, such as chocolate because it has caffeine, some aspirin products contain it as well, and of course avoid coffee and many soft drinks. Avoid alcohol. Get more sleep if possible. Adrenaline is often the cause in stressed out people, like myself.

Feel free to ask anything else on the topic if I could be of any help.

12-05-2013, 07:23 PM
I used to write on an arrhymia forum. The important thing about palpitations is to have a doctor confirm that they are not life threatening. Other than that, I get hundreds to thousands of Premature Ventricular Contractions (PVCs) daily, sometimes I go into remission, but largely I have had this condition since I was in my teens, and am now in my 50s. Some of the forum members get as many as 10,000 a day and the doctors still don't treat it. Doctors look for where the source of the arrhythmia comes from (either the top or bottom half of your heart), how normal your EKG is otherwise (some irregularities in the spacing or detail of the various parts of the heart signal can indicate problems), and other things to determine if it's dangerous or not. If the heart is otherwise normal, palpitations are much more common than you think, that's why the doctor may not be as concerned as you feel he or she should be. There are a variety of benign arrhythmias (palpitations of one sort or another), you'd be surprised. Avoid caffeine at all costs, such as chocolate because it has caffeine, some aspirin products contain it as well, and of course avoid coffee and many soft drinks. Avoid alcohol. Get more sleep if possible. Adrenaline is often the cause in stressed out people, like myself. Feel free to ask anything else on the topic if I could be of any help.wow are you for real? I had no idea people experience that many a day, I'm not sure how many I have a day it seems like hundreds when I'm overly stressed. My fear is that having one may cause my heart to just stop. In the past 2 1/2 years I haven been seen by several ERs and a cardiologist, who ran many EKGS , a three week holster monitor, 2 nuclear stress tests, 2 echocardiograms, and other tests and thank God they have all been normal. However I cannot convince my brain that these palps are anything close to normal, please help me understand!!!!

12-05-2013, 08:02 PM
Edited: wow are you for real? I had no idea people experience that many a day.

You sound like, with all the testing, you're in pretty good shape. Your heart is wired to keep running. I used to think I was bordering on death with every missed beat. I've had many tests over the years, Holters documenting hundreds of PVCs. Once, I was going to the doctor for my arrhythmia. On the way, my heart would miss beat every other beat. OMG, I rushed to the doctors, he hooked up the EKG, and he said "You're in Bigeminy", said it was nothing, and sent me home. There's also Trigeminy (and others).

I've had PSVT (racing heart beat, from resting instantly into maybe 150 or so per minute). Scary. They didn't catch it on a monitor so I got a monitor that you wear for up to 10 days or so, and if anything significant happens, you phone in the results. Finally caught it on the monitor and called it in, the guy on the phone said "you had a little PSVT" and nothing else was said. My cardiologist was unimpressed as well.

I worked with a guy that had an arrhythmia so bad that he had no discernible organized pulse, just bang bang, pause, bang, pause, bang bang bang, pause etc. Yet his doctor cleared him to work and the plant doctor cleared him to work. That was years ago, he retired and is still ticking away.

If the heart is free of any structural problems and the arrhythmia is not considered life threatening due to issues with the timing of the EKG components, many arrhythmias are of little concern to doctors and are considered benign. I probably had 50 PVCs while I was writing this response alone. Mine go away on exertion, which is a good sign. When my heart is slowing from exertion, I begin to get PVCs, which also is expected. Anyone getting palpitations for the first time should see a doctor, anyone that gets palpitations normally and notices a significant worsening should also see a doctor, but you had many tests, see a few doctors, I don't think you have anything to worry about.

Be well.

12-06-2013, 01:11 AM
Blessed- I just got over this. I had constant heart flutters for 2 months. All day, everyday! I finally went to the cardiologist. All my tests came back fine ( I do have mild Mitral Valve Prolapse, but that's benign). Shortly after my test, the flutters subsided. I do still get them here and there, but not much. They are usually more frequent around my monthly friend : p
I hope you start feeling better soon.
God bless.

12-06-2013, 12:17 PM
Thanks for replys, I just wish my brain would accept this as being ok cause it's about to drive me nuts

Steven Daws
12-06-2013, 12:28 PM
I hope that the tests go ok, I won't tell you not to worry because you will, and nothing short of the doctor telling it's ok will help. Anxiety can be the cause, I do get them sometimes with mine. The problem is that worrying about it will make the symptoms of it worse (anxiety is kind like that).

Let us know how it goes.

12-06-2013, 01:49 PM
Thanks for replys, I just wish my brain would accept this as being ok cause it's about to drive me nuts

Arrhythmias are a common cause for patients to visit cardiologists. You're not alone. You have been tested and should feel reassured. Your doctor must think your arrhythmia is benign. Many many people have benign arrhythmias. The interesting thing is that some people actually have what you have but don't feel it, imagine how much of a blessing that would be. I don't know why some people can feel them and others not. But the people that can't feel them are experiencing the same thing as the people that can.

But, when we feel them and become alarmed, adrenaline is released, and adrenaline can make them more frequent, which means that more adrenaline is released, which can make them more frequent, etc. Adrenaline is part of a "Fight or Flight" response, so when we're scared, we're prepared to either beat up something or run from it. In either case, the muscular activity from running or fighting helps use up the adrenaline. We neither run from anything nor fight it, so the adrenaline is not used properly.

Make sure to avoid stress (ha,ha, just a joke, it's true but this is an anxiety forum), caffeine, alcohol, diet pills, decongestants, and anything else likely to speed up your heart. Also, get plenty of sleep if you can.

12-06-2013, 09:09 PM
I know this sounds insane but I never noticed heart palps until after having breast augmentation . Do you think I am more sensitive now due to having this procedure ? Some days when relaxed I don't have a single one. Today I've had hundreds , I'm just so scared

12-07-2013, 07:31 AM
I wouldn't know about the specifics of your concern, never read anything about that. I was an optician at one time, and a woman with broken frames came into the store, I was able to transfer her lenses into a similar frame. She came back when I wasn't there, complaining I scratched her lenses. My manager showed her that the arcs on her lenses were caused by the temples on the old frames, the ends would rub when the temples were folded. He told me that, in the future, look over the lenses and point-out to the customer any scratches or defects before working on them.

Maybe you had this before but didn't notice it? Maybe the tension, anxiety, etc. of having the procedure kept you on edge enough that it developed. The important thing is that you've been examined and tested and everything's working well.

In the absence of structural issues with your heart, these types of arrhythmias are common, and if the doctor said they're benign, you really don't need to worry. The heart is made of cells that respond, by contracting, to a tiny electrical signal generated in the heart that controls your heart rate. Sometimes these cells (anywhere on the heart) get irritated and generate their own electricity which causes the other cells to follow suit, these are premature beats. If you relax ( to keep down the adrenaline), avoid alcohol, caffeine, smoking, diet pills, and decongestants (as well as any drug that speeds up your heart rate, including illegal drugs), eventually these irritated cells should calm down and the rhythm go back to normal. While writing this, conservatively, I had 20 missed beats, including a fairly hard one. How many did you have while reading this? Lately I have them more than not, but I have gone months without any (very few at least) and at that time actually start drinking coffee again.

12-07-2013, 01:04 PM
When u have your palps does ur whole chest shake for a split second . ?

12-07-2013, 01:11 PM
Blessed- yes it does feel like a vibration and takes my breath away... It's really okay. I know it is hard to fathom because it's your heart, but if it was something serious I am sure it would have manifested itself by now. Try not to worry! I know it's hard because I do it all the time!!

12-07-2013, 03:50 PM
How do you convince your mind that this is ok?

12-07-2013, 04:54 PM
How do you convince your mind that this is ok?


Faith in a wealth of data collected by modern doctors about these things. Faith that your heart was designed to keep working despite minor deviations in it's function. Faith in your doctors, their experience, and the tests they have already done.

I still dislike my arrhythmia, I've had it since my mid teens and I'm in my 50's now, the key is to accepting it, not embracing it. I've had some pretty bizarre stuff, I still get nervous, but I seldom get "as nervous", which means less adrenaline and less likelihood that I'll increase the number of them I'm getting.


Add the www to the above address, be sure to include the period before nlm. (I can't post links yet).

Some excerpts:

"Ectopic heartbeats are small changes in an otherwise normal heartbeat that lead to extra or skipped heartbeats. They often occur without a clear cause and are most often harmless."

"The two most common types of ectopic heartbeats are:

Premature ventricular contractions (PVC)
Premature atrial contractions (PAC)"

"In adults, ectopic heartbeats are common. They are most often due to PACs or PVCs. Their causes should be investigated, although usually no treatment is needed."

" Limiting caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco may reduce the risk and frequency of ectopic heartbeats in certain people. Exercise often helps people who are inactive.

Most ectopic heartbeats do not need to be treated. The condition is only treated if your symptoms are severe or if the extra beats occur very often."

I visited the arrhythmia forum I used to comment on, some people, after being seen by a doctor and tested, are not treated even with 10,000 PVCs a day, so don't let that "very often" in the above paragraph fool you.

12-07-2013, 05:02 PM
I guess what scares me is that I didn't have heart flutters or palps until after Breast augmentation, coincidence or am I just reading too much into it??? It's been almost three years

12-07-2013, 06:57 PM
I guess what scares me is that I didn't have heart flutters or palps until after Breast augmentation.

You need to tell you Doctor about your concern. I can tell you my experiences with benign arrhythmias, some that others have told me, and questions I have asked my wife about her experience working at the cardiologist. If you weren't already tested and assured by your doctor, who apparently believes the arrhythmia is benign, I may not have said so much pending you receiving testing and diagnosis. My arrhythmia can be quite active at times, but despite Holters, Event Monitors, Hospital Emergency Room Visits, EKGs, Echo Cardiograms, the doctors continue to be unconcerned. Please don't think that just because your rhythm is not perfect that it's dangerous, stress can do weird things to your heart rhythm.

Just be sure your doctor knows about your concerns.

Wish you well (literally).

12-07-2013, 07:04 PM
It takes practice and honestly some days I still get scared. Especially when they take me by surprise, but that's okay, it's normal to get scared. I am a Christian, so I lean on The Lord, He gives me my strength for each day.
I don't know your beliefs, but you just have to remember that we are not in control of our destiny, so worrying won't add any time to our lives. It robs us of time if anything.
Don't allow your mind to consume you with these negative thoughts.... You will be okay. Like I said, if it was something serious you would know it by now!

12-08-2013, 07:22 AM
It takes practice and honestly some days I still get scared. Especially when they take me by surprise, but that's okay, it's normal to get scared. I am a Christian, so I lean on The Lord, He gives me my strength for each day. I don't know your beliefs, but you just have to remember that we are not in control of our destiny, so worrying won't add any time to our lives. It robs us of time if anything. Don't allow your mind to consume you with these negative thoughts.... You will be okay. Like I said, if it was something serious you would know it by now!yes I am a Christian as well and shame on me for not having more faith! I know better yet our fleshly minds make us want to doubt. I know I'm not in control of my destiny and I feel that's what fuels my anxiety, I stay scared of dying all the time. Please help me pray to keep the faith!

12-08-2013, 11:57 AM
Blessed- I definitely will! I know he feeling. I know God doesn't want me to worry, so I am in constant prayer about it. It gets overwhelming at times and then it is hard to know what to pray for. Ugh! I am thankful for a merciful and patient God!

12-09-2013, 07:04 AM
Question please! I looked down at my shirt just down and it was literally moving ....... From my heart pounding, I am very anxious on Monday mornings has this ever happened to anyone???? Please help me!

12-09-2013, 11:38 AM
Blessed- I know it is easy for me to say this because I am not going through it at the moment, but you really need to calm down. Your fine! :) I've had this happen lots of times. When my husband was deployed to Afghanistan, I would lay in bed EVERY night with my heart beating so hard it would shake my bed. I thought many nights I was a goner, but here I am 3 years later...and I get them off and on. My heart has resorted to heart flutters/ skips as of lately. Your mind is making things worse for you...the more you worry and focus the worse your symptoms will be. Trust me, I just went through this a month ago. Things are better now that I've calmed down. I know the whole thought of not being in control is one thing that fuels our anxiety, but worrying only wastes precious hours and days. I don't know if you have kids, but thinking about the time I'm wasting worrying helps me a lot. I hope your feeling better today.

12-09-2013, 01:11 PM
Thank you. I'm just really struggling with this. I do have two beautiful children and a wonderful husband and the thought of something happening and me leaving them just really unnerves me but I know that it's not in my hands. They say if you have more than 6 heart palps a minute then something is wrong, but then this other guy was telling me some ppl have 10,000 a day. What's normal what's not? All I know is today as soon as one stops another starts and I just want to crawl in a corner somewhere and cry my eyes out I'm so scared!

12-12-2013, 02:04 AM
They say if you have more than 6 heart palps a minute then something is wrong, but then this other guy was telling me some ppl have 10,000 a day.....I'm so scared!

Here's a partial post from the arrhythmia forum.

"Since then I have talked with several prominent Cardiologists, EP DRs and they all said having an ablation for PVC's is unethical.**I have 10,000*- 25000 a day 24/7.*

"I'm 40, have had PVCs for coming up on 11 years.**In 2006 I had as many as you, for about 10 straight months.**On average, every 5-6 beats, all day, every day.**Each day I woke up wondering if that would be my last.**I kept about my daily routines like you do, but it sure took the "life" out of my life."

I've found some things that work for me, too.**Since the PVCs more or less faded in late 2006, I've had about 80 "bad" days where I get back up to 15000-20,000 PVCs in a day.**But during '06 I was thinking that this was how the rest of my life was going to be, and I wasn't liking it.**

I think everyone is different, triggers are different, solutions are different.**For me, building stress is the biggest trigger, and it took me awhile to figure out how to remedy that, and it required me to re-think how I run my entire business, so that stress doesn't catch hold of me and take me for a ride."

Another thing to consider, there are people out there that don't have or notice any rhythm disturbance that have structural issues with their heart or other issues with their EKG and have serious undiagnosed issues, you have had testing, everything is in good shape, you have more reason to fear driving or flying then you do having issues with your heart. As unpleasant as they are, benign arrhythmias are just a fact of life for you, me, and millions of others.

12-16-2013, 04:10 AM
I have just read everybodys reply,i am the same,i was 28 when i got tests done and i had ventricular ectopics but they said thousands of healthy people get them,i remember 7yrs ago i was getting them every other beat for about a week they was very scary,i had to go private to see a cardiologist and he done an ecg and said it was fine,drawed a diagram of the heart and showed me people get thousands a day some feel them some dont,and the next day they disappeared,i thought was strange after seein the cardiologist,i havnt had them that bad since thankgod but i can feel my heart beating all the time