View Full Version : Anxiety Help...

01-25-2008, 09:55 PM
Im not sure if this is in the right spot seeing i have more than just anxiety but here it goes....So i finally decided to find somewhere to post my story where people might understand or atleast not make fun of me. So about a year ago i was driving home and started sweating and my heart was racing and i felt like i was going to pass out. So i pulled off the road and 10 mins later a cop showed up and called an ambulance for me. After they checked me out said everything was fine i went home and tried to think nothing of it but that was the last thing i could do. This all happened about a month after both my grandparents passed away. These were the grandparents who practically raised me when my father was in the hospital with cancer when i was 4 who passed away when i was almost 5. After this first attack i developed a huge fear that something was wrong with my heart which caused this panic attack. I am always getting chest pains and have been to the ER numerous times thinking its something serious. I had an echo, ekg, stress echo, and some other test which everything turned out fine. I have been in counseling for about 7 months and i feel i have made steps backwards not forward. I have changed my psychiatrist and really like him i just feel i cant tell myself everything is ok and believe it. I have a huge fear that something is medically wrong with me that i am going to miss and die from young. I am always checking my pulse even though i have no idea what it means and have a fear of taking medicine which could help. I read all the side effects and read the stories online of people getting worse or hating it. I currently have Zoloft and Xanax which i have not taken any of. I always reach for bayer during an attack as i feel it would help me if i was actually having a heart attack or problem. Im 22 and have stopped going out i used to be care free and the life of the party now im sitting home every weekend with my friends not understanding why i cant go out because i havent told anyone but my doctors. I just feel like this isnt going to ever get better and im going to just lose any control i have right now over my life. Any help would be appreciated.

01-26-2008, 06:41 AM
Boy do I understand your situation.
I just started taking Lexapro for my anxiety and I also take Xanax as well.
I'm terrified of taking the medications and I feel like they're making me sick.
I've lost my appetite and am throwing up. I think due to the Lexapro.
The Xanax does help and I am also seeing a therapist which helps as well.
I'm only 27 and Im convinced something is wrong with me. I constantly check my pulse and temperature.
I went to the hospital and my doctor and I've had blood work done. All they found was a thyroid issue and I'm on pills for it now but I'm still convinced something else is wrong. It's terrible and I hate feeling this way.

Sorry I can't offer much help but sometimes it is comforting to know you're not the only one having these feelings.

Hang in there!

01-26-2008, 09:38 AM
Well i have recently been checking my temperature becuase i feel either super hot or super cold so i always feel like it is going to be off. I recently just got diagnoses with Gilbert's Disease which really is nothing from what i read up on but i still feel like i have something else in my chest causing my chest pains other than my anxiety. Thanks for the reply.

01-27-2008, 04:33 PM
I can very much relate to your situation. It started the same way with me. Lot of work, lot of pressure, lot of things to worry about, and i suddenly got panic attack. And AFTER that i started worrying about my heart and my pulse. And the attacks followed my fear. 1 month i felt that my heart was pumping too slow, and got attack of that feeling. Then the next month it felt like my heart had humps or hiccups or something, and i got attack on that note.
The first thing i found out when i got the diagnose was that i didnt want pills. And im very glad i didnt. Allthough it feels (just like you) that im going backwards, im not. My attacks are allmost gone. Now its more an generalized anxitety wich never lets go. So i feel worse, but its a step in the right direction.
I too still get the feeling that something is medically wrong with me, even though im living proof that there isnt! I have never been to the emergensy room or something like that. I just told my doctor how i felt. And got the diagnose. Thats my problem. I cant stop thinking that they have missed something. And in 6 months i will be admitted and they find something wrong and i have never had anxiety at all..
I too have stopped beeing active. I dont exercise, i seldom do things that worries me, and i feel too comfortable at home. But it really helps to talk to someone. Make them understand, and make them be with you when you go out. A person you can say "oh im not feeling good" too without problems.

I dont know if this helped hehe. But you are not alone.
Im new here, and im sorry for my bad english.. im from Norway:P

01-27-2008, 05:07 PM
I can very much relate to your situation. It started the same way with me. Lot of work, lot of pressure, lot of things to worry about, and i suddenly got panic attack. And AFTER that i started worrying about my heart and my pulse. And the attacks followed my fear. 1 month i felt that my heart was pumping too slow, and got attack of that feeling. Then the next month it felt like my heart had humps or hiccups or something, and i got attack on that note.
The first thing i found out when i got the diagnose was that i didnt want pills. And im very glad i didnt. Allthough it feels (just like you) that im going backwards, im not. My attacks are allmost gone. Now its more an generalized anxitety wich never lets go. So i feel worse, but its a step in the right direction.
I too still get the feeling that something is medically wrong with me, even though im living proof that there isnt! I have never been to the emergensy room or something like that. I just told my doctor how i felt. And got the diagnose. Thats my problem. I cant stop thinking that they have missed something. And in 6 months i will be admitted and they find something wrong and i have never had anxiety at all..
I too have stopped beeing active. I dont exercise, i seldom do things that worries me, and i feel too comfortable at home. But it really helps to talk to someone. Make them understand, and make them be with you when you go out. A person you can say "oh im not feeling good" too without problems.

I dont know if this helped hehe. But you are not alone.
Im new here, and im sorry for my bad english.. im from Norway:P

The most frustrating thing for me is i dont play hockey at all anymore. I have been skating since i was 2 years old and played college hockey but i just panic that hockey will "over work" my heart. So as soon as i start to play i get the chest pains because im thinking about it and i get off the ice. It has been a huge part of my life and it used to be a relaxing place to get away from the things that were bothering me but now its just another thing to make me nervous and have anxiety attacks.

And i would have never known you were not from the states if you didnt say so. Thanks for the reply.

01-27-2008, 05:13 PM
Yeah! Thats the same way i have it. I've stopped exercising and doing active work, because i freak out if my heart beats faster.

I used to play volleyball for 14 years, and now i cant even think of it without feeling dizzy or feeling like i have no energy.
And everyone tells me that starting with playing again is the best thing i can do, and i probably feel the same way. But its too hard.
I go for a walk sometimes but its not the same.
But maybe some day i (and you) can understand 100% that this is anxiety and therefore start to challenge ourselves with sports.

And.. this has also killed my sexlife hehe. Which sux! So im working on that:P

Now i will tell my story in new topic!