View Full Version : A Dose of Encouragement

Lee Grant Irons
12-04-2013, 07:06 PM
I have been reading the posts here for over a week and participating in the discussion. I would just like to say that this is a great group of people. It feels good to see everyone so eager o help each other through the nightmare.

Another thing I wold like to say is that no one should ever give up hope of recovering from whatever it is that is driving your anxiety, whether the anxiety is primary (as a disease all by itself) or whether it is secondary to some other illness that you might have. The fact is that some people in this forum suffer from primary anxiety, and some suffer from secondary anxiety and need the help of other doctors besides just psychiatrists to figure out why they are sick. I suffered from anxiety for two years before getting it under control, allowing me to think straight and work with a good doctor to figure out what my real primary illnesses were another, which took another three years. Now I have no anxiety and my symptoms from my other illnesses are under control due to receiving the proper medical treatment.

There is always hope. There is always help. You just have to work on having both. Never give up! Chin up! Get angry (at your situation, not at people) if you have to in order to get motivated to find hope and help. Do not roll over on the quality of your life. If you need more inspiration and help, read my book blog that I am writing at any of the links below in my signature. I am writing it to help other people learn from what I went through and how I conquered my problems.