View Full Version : Prozac

12-04-2013, 03:24 PM
Hi All,
I would love to hear some of your experiences with Prozac! I was on 10mg for about 6 months, then my anxiety got really bad a couple weeks ago so my dr put me on 40mg of Prozac ( 2 20mg a day). I feel like I feel even worse! Maybe the anxiety is going down but I feel nauseous, shaky, tired, no appetite, cold and like I am in a dark cloud. Will this go away? I used to be on Celexa before Prozac and I don't remember ever feeling like this. Please tell me this is normal! I almost feel like I have flu like symptoms. It has been a week and a half since i had her increasing Prozac. I see a new physciatrist next Tuesday, but do I want to feel like this until then? My general dr is the one who prescribed the 40 mg. I tried calling yesterday to tell Him i wasn't feeling well, but they kind of brushed it off. I just want to be happy!!!!!! 😀 this is the worst!