View Full Version : Anaphlaxis fear!!!!

12-04-2013, 11:26 AM
Hi all new to the site, yesterday I ate some garlic bread which ive ate all my life and the tip of my tongue and throat started tingling happened to me last time I ate it too and I'm in such a mess thinking I'm allergic to it and scared of having an anaphalactic fit, I means it's now 24 hours ago so I'm sure if it was going to happen it would of now, just looking for some reassurance really to anyone else who's been in my position, also my breathing feels funny but then I am obsessed with my breathing so I really don't know, any reply is helpful, thanks in advance

Lee Grant Irons
12-04-2013, 01:48 PM
You would have had an anaphalactic reaction by now if you were THAT allergic. However, you could have a slight allergy. You could just stop eating garlic, assuming it is the garlic and not the wheat or some other ingredient in the bread. Try eating the same bread without the garlic and see if you get the same reaction. If you don;t get the same reaction, then you know its the garlic, which means you should stop eating it except on rare occasions.

People without anxiety go through this all the time, and this is what they would do.

12-04-2013, 02:04 PM
thanks for the reply, i've had the same kind of bread and that and i've never noticed,its almost like the garlic was strong and burnt my throat ive eaten aswell recently and had no effect from it, i had no rash or anything,iv eaten it id say once every week for 25 years, my tongue still tingles, its like ive got dry mouth, im always worried before i eat things that im allergic,so maybe its just anxiety, is there a allergy test or something i can buy?, thanks for your response the reassurance works wonders for me

Lee Grant Irons
12-04-2013, 02:29 PM
No problem Andy. :)

You can get an allergy skin test done for garlic by an Allergist or Immunologist. However, the easiest and cheapest way to test it is to go without the garlic for two weeks, then try it again and see what happens. If you get the tingling when you try it again after two weeks, then you probably have a slight allergy.

By the way, straight garlic or concentrated garlic can be a spice irritant even if you are not allergic.