View Full Version : First Time Reaching Out

12-04-2013, 09:35 AM
I've always been one of those independent to a fault people. I've never had anyone I could really rely on in my life and very little support system. Things have gotten so bad now, I know I can't do this on my own anymore.

I had my first panic attack eight years ago, on a street corner in the middle of lunch break. Right afterwards, things got really bad, I ended up in the emergency room (as most people do) and started getting neurological symptoms (loss of memory, forgetfulness, "visual snow") that doctors attributed to my anxiety.

Since then I've been on meds, in therapy, off meds, and in more therapy.

I just really am at my wits end. I'm "functioning" (meaning I manage to make it to work often enough not to get fired), but I'm miserable. I feel like my anxiety is winning this crazy long war against my sanity.

I feel like I'm drowning while everyone around me is treading water.

I just need someone that gets it, and understands what it feels like to be scared, terrified, all the time for no valid reason. To be so convinced you are dying only to feel like a fool two hours later when the bad moments subside.

I googled "anxiety support" and this site came up, I really hope this is the right place to make some connections and get some support from people who know what it's like.

12-04-2013, 11:14 AM
Hi Reese,

Even though these feelings you have seem absolutely intolerable ... you are not alone unfortunately...

Many of us have been through the same and we know the angst that you feel.

It really is so so hard when you feel everyone else is just getting on with things when you feel like your screaming inside and your full of dread.

This is anxiety. Sounds like such a small word but its so debilitating...

And when you feel you can't change it - you feel trapped and that makes it all the more frightening.

I know - been there - honestly - and come through.

You must learn to ride the storm - embrace the anxiety ... and believe me - it can be done ... and the feelings will dissipate - in time.

Take it easy - don't beat yourself up - accept the wayyou feel for now...

See anxietynomore co uk for some great advice from somebody who has been there.

All the best,

Terre Nova
12-04-2013, 02:33 PM
I've always been one of those independent to a fault people. I've never had anyone I could really rely on in my life and very little support system. Things have gotten so bad now, I know I can't do this on my own anymore.

I had my first panic attack eight years ago, on a street corner in the middle of lunch break. Right afterwards, things got really bad, I ended up in the emergency room (as most people do) and started getting neurological symptoms (loss of memory, forgetfulness, "visual snow") that doctors attributed to my anxiety.

Since then I've been on meds, in therapy, off meds, and in more therapy.

I just really am at my wits end. I'm "functioning" (meaning I manage to make it to work often enough not to get fired), but I'm miserable. I feel like my anxiety is winning this crazy long war against my sanity.

I feel like I'm drowning while everyone around me is treading water.

I just need someone that gets it, and understands what it feels like to be scared, terrified, all the time for no valid reason. To be so convinced you are dying only to feel like a fool two hours later when the bad moments subside.

I googled "anxiety support" and this site came up, I really hope this is the right place to make some connections and get some support from people who know what it's like.

I feel just like you do Reese... I have had a period of time where i forget i have anxiety/panic and then bam comes back tenfold... I know the exact feeling.. I'm going back on meds and hoping for the best...
You're def not alone! :)