View Full Version : Didnt sleep a wink

12-04-2013, 05:04 AM
I was up all night watching movies and normally I will get tired and turn it off and go to bed. Last night I couldnt. I called into work b/c I have to work at 630 this morning and thought I needed some sleep but I am going in anyways b/c Im not tired.

This kinda has me worried. I have never stayed up all night and wasn't tired.

Anyone else ever have this. kind of a weird thing for me.

Let me know.


12-04-2013, 06:10 AM
I'm in the start up phase of Zoloft and for the past three nights I've been like this. I go to sleep at about 10, but at about 1:30 or 2 I wake up and I just cant go back to sleep. I've had to resort to taking half of a xanax to go back to sleep. I hope this doesnt become habit.

In your case, did you take a nap earlier in the day?