View Full Version : Hey, im the newbie.

12-03-2013, 07:50 PM
So after suffering with PTSD for 4 years now, I experienced panic attacks but recently I had the biggest one of my life! I'm in a long distance relationship and I was visiting him in Hawaii, I'm Australian. While I was there I found out my sister had a similar trauma happen to her, which brought up my past aswell, I thought I was pregnant which is not a good thing for me right now and my father passed away. So while I was there I couldn't catch a bus, get driven anywhere, well.. Leave the house in general.. Not even have sex without anxiety! It was horrible!! But the day I left at the airport is when I had my attack, couldn't breath, limbs stiffened, pins and needles, vomiting, couldn't walk and nearly fainted.. But I forced every ounce of strength I had and got on the 10.5 hour flight by myself. Now I'm back, first few days I had my dads funeral and what not. Couldn't sleep, eat drive anything without having panic.. But I'm ready to take back my life. I'm on anti depressants, finding strength to see a phyc, I'd like to go to an anxiety group therapy and well.. I'm looking Into healing myself.. I'm meditating and back at the gym.. I'm feeling good and ready to kick this anxiety in the butt!

12-03-2013, 09:10 PM
Man, congrats on the show of strength. You really have some grit to dig in there and taking a hold of things as they were beginning to unravel quite rapidly.

It's an impressive trait :)

With the character you have you will kick it's butt. I believe that completely!

12-04-2013, 12:35 AM
Really? Thanks Jess! It just feels like a forever thing, like it's never going to go away.. But feeling or not.. I'm going to do everything in my power!!