View Full Version : Started my natural way to treat my anxiety :)

12-03-2013, 06:52 PM
Was prescribed lexapro. Might've given it a chance if the psychiatrist had taken more time with me instead of seeing me once and saying "here have this lexapro" lol. So with that being said I started taking magnesium today and will start my vitamin b complex tomorrow...... There's a lot of really interesting reads out there when it comes to vitamin deficiency and anxiety disorders. Of course I had some anxiety when I took the magnesium but had to laugh at my dramatic self! Feeling good about this and faith is the key!! Has anyone else tried any approaches like these? I've read great success.... I'm super excited to start this! Thanks and best to all!!

12-03-2013, 08:00 PM
Thanks for your response. I'll look into that b3 and avoid it if possible! They get paid so much for 10 minutes of nothing really 😑

12-03-2013, 08:56 PM
B-vitamins are very weird for anxiety. You either love them or loathe them. They do good or they make you feel bad.

They made me feel worse than the anti depressants ever did, and I was on suicide watch from a bad antidepressant dose (so much for nature being safer lol)... They just had me buzzing so hard I couldn't rest, couldn't sit down, couldn't sleep, couldn't stop shaking. Yet the next guy who will come on will say they are amazing, and I believe him. If they work, great, if they don't, don't really waste time on them just quit.

Magnesium is a good thing to try. Never really any problems there, other than slight stomach pain.

Vitamin D another obvious one, if you aren't already taking it... but you look tanned, so maybe you live somewhere sunny and dont need it.

Really getting your mind sorted will be key. Get into that CBT hardcore, and you'll be good!

Good luck.

12-04-2013, 09:07 AM
Well minor set back I took half of the vitamin b complex and over thought about it and kinda freaked myself out..... Sigh...... But this to shall pass! :)

12-04-2013, 10:26 AM
Hi my cbt therapist advised omega 3 fish oils or eating a lot of oily fish like mackerel and sardines. I'm not fond of those fish so I opted for the capsules and they have helped me a great deal. I also like to keep a packet of rescue remedy chewy sweets with me as I find they help too.
Anxiety is all about trial and error and what works for some people does nothing for others. I hope you find something to help you soon :-)

12-04-2013, 01:00 PM
Thank you for your response. I think I'm going to try the fish oils this magnesium is making me seriously tired. I'm not going to take it tomorrow and see if that helps.... Took it for the first time yesterday and have been crazy tired ever since! Thanks :)

12-19-2013, 02:11 PM
I think you should got your vit d3 level checked.

Anyway good decision
Good luck

12-19-2013, 03:53 PM
I take a Calcium, Magnesium, and Vitamin D supplement. It comes all together to help you absorb all of the minerals better. :) I also take Vitamin C, just because it'll help your immune system and Vitamin C can't really hurt you. (Unless you were to take truly massive amounts)

Good luck!

12-19-2013, 07:09 PM
Have you had your blood tested for deficiencies? Vitamins won't help if you're not deficient, and can make things worse. So make sure you talk to a doctor about supplements first, okay?

12-23-2013, 02:26 PM
Jlk- I take citracal with those three in it :)

I don't have insurance so I haven't had my vitamin levels checked or anything but I don't eat well at all as in I eat very little but I've been eating a lot of good stuff lately and getting back into running :)

12-23-2013, 02:51 PM
I used to take too many supplements to list. Some for nutrition and some for anxiety.

When I was younger I used to be pretty athletic and treated my body well with nutrition and workouts.

I began taking even more supplements once I wasn't eating as well and severely reduced my workouts.

About. 5 years ago, I went on an all out regiment to get back to the shape I was in when I was in my mid 20's

I started eating like a saint and started looking at food as fuel instead of something to give me pleasure so it became ridiculous to see what I would write down what I ate in a day.

At 40 I was in the best shape of my life and actually obtained an additional black belt in a martial arts discipline and gained my instructors certificate. For me, I realized that a. Good diet and exercise really did make a huge difference in my health, but also my mental health. It's often stated that diet and exercise can significantly reduce anxiety. I'm a believer.

Because of the diet and the crazy training I was doing, I stopped all of the supplements because I couldn't see how there was any way in hell I wasn't getting all the nutrients I needed from the food I was eating.

I've never taken any supplements since. And somehow, I feel even better. And I might add that I toned the training way down as well but still try andeat like a saint during the week. I still indulge in pizza on the weekends. My one and only true food weakness. Oh, and cold Coors Light. And maybe some wine nightly. Oh God, I have controlled my anxiety but maybe I'm an alcoholic!!

Now I see a study out of Johns Hopkins that say vitamins are a waste of money and do nothing.

That affirms my decision but have seen many people that say they make a huge difference.

Maybe it does. Maybe not.

But if you feel that it helps, you should stay the course.

Going at anxiety with nothing but natural remedies and supplements is admirable.

I hope you have great success

You seem to be heading in the right direction.