View Full Version : Erghhh here i go again

12-03-2013, 03:41 PM
So I've got the flu and chest infection which of course means I'm dying! Septicaemia is coming to get me again while I'm asleep. I hate these thoughts especially as I've been doing so well recently. I've survived my sons dance competition, his auditions and waiting for the out come, visiting family members ill in hospital, watching my son have stitches in and now removed, having no Internet all without or very little anxiety. I'm wondering if now as I don't have anything to worry or stress about why has my anxiety returned. It's only here when I seem to be alright in life and have little worries or aren't needed as much that it comes back with a vengeance. I'm lying here awake convinced I'm either going to get septicaemia or my lungs are going to collapse. I'm fed up!! Why does anxiety always have to feel worse once it's been gone for little bit :-/.

12-03-2013, 03:53 PM
Hey you! It's good to see you again, but not good that you're feeling crap. Honestly though, it's BRILLIANT that you have been doing so much better overall. It sounds like the Prozac has really helped enormously and it's fantastic you've been pretty much anxiety free despite handling some big challenges!

My take on what's happening now is that your anxiety has returned because you're sick. The flu, coupled with a chest infection, is a big deal. And it's not just your physical health that is effected. This will also leave you weak and vulnerable emotionally and mentally. Your body is fighting an illness and your guard is down because all your strength is needed elsewhere to try and heal from the flu.

I hope your hubby and your son can take good care of you and that you're able to get lots of rest. Just keep telling yourself you're feeling anxious again because you're sick, NOT because the anxiety has come back for good. This is just temporary. You will definitely feel better emotionally again once you've recovered from the flu and regained your strength. In the meantime, please take it easy!

Really hope you feel better soon, and well done again for all the accomplishments in recent weeks!!

12-03-2013, 03:58 PM
Awwww well done for doing so well with your anxiety thats really good news.

Your ill so your anxiety as come bck knowin your at your weakest cuz of being run down because of your illness.
Just keep telling yourself that you are ok and in a week you'll be fine

12-03-2013, 04:06 PM
Hi Joanna it's great being back I think I've been having withdrawals from the games on here lol.
I hate this flu as alot of the symptoms are mimicking anxiety symptoms like the tiredness, light headedness, migraines and all the aches and pains so it's quite confusing as to if its the anxiety or the flu. I do feel rubbish but trying to downplay it as I don't want my hubby to think I'm doing bad again with the anxiety as I have been doing so well. I'm getting pretty good at my distraction techniques which is a bonus, I just think I'm having a wobble tonight with feeling ill at the moment!
Thanks for replying Joanna I'm trying my best to take it easy but it's fairly difficult for me hehe. Tonight's agenda was making a Charlie bucket costume complete with a golden ticket, for Roald Dahl day tomorrow. I think it's just my thoughts running away with me, with it being night time.
Thanks for helping me think logically about this :-)

12-03-2013, 04:07 PM
Awwww well done for doing so well with your anxiety thats really good news.

Your ill so your anxiety as come bck knowin your at your weakest cuz of being run down because of your illness.
Just keep telling yourself that you are ok and in a week you'll be fine

Thanks dweeb
I'm hoping so :-)

12-03-2013, 05:59 PM
Your welcome :D

I'm going through a similar thing right now my anxiety as been well for a couple of weeks and then i got told that i have a haemorrogic ovarian cyst so now i keep freaking out that its goin to rupture and cause internal bleeding and i wont now about it :(

12-04-2013, 10:19 AM
Ah dweeb I'm sorry to hear that, anxiety is horrible like that. My older sister had blood filled cysts for about 2 year but they just vanished on there own with no problems, she's been fine since and has a fantastic 4 year old daughter now :-). The way I've started looking at things now is that if anything serious was happening to my body it would let me no I would either be in agony or too ill to care about the anxious thoughts. I'm positive you will be fine though dweeb before long you will be wondering why you even worried about it :-)

12-04-2013, 11:42 AM
Yeah my doctor as assured me that it will more than likely go on its own over a 12 week period bt i still get scared that it will rupture an cause internal bleeding (google) my sister asnt long had a dermoid cyst removed an another 1 drained i'm also really scared of surgery.

Bt hopefully it will just go away on its own

12-04-2013, 02:24 PM
I'm sure it will. Google is evil when I'm feeling ill, its always the most, dramatic and far fetched illness I'm going to end up with though lol. At least you have your sister to talk your worries through with as she will fully understand how your feeling as I imagine it will be frightening for you. Hope your feeling better about it soon :-)

12-04-2013, 02:46 PM
I'm refusin to go on google and look any more it will only send me into panic i just got to hope that it goes on its own

I'm like u always diagnose my self with the worst illness or the worst case scenario