View Full Version : Tightness neck nd throat

12-03-2013, 02:36 PM
Wen I ad bad anxiety yrs ago I always felt my neck is tight like sumone is strangling me nd heavyness on my neck and shoulders it's uncomfy nd makes my anxiety come on worse does anyone else suffer this if so how do they ease it?

12-03-2013, 03:51 PM
Hi vic, yeah I used to a still do occasionally get the sore, stiff and heavy neck feeling. I found it was me tensing all the time and my muscles where sore through it. If I feel it now I just try and relax I also found muscle rubs and a nice hot bath can help ease it too

Lee Grant Irons
12-03-2013, 04:57 PM
I got this same symptom. I eventually discovered that a rice sock heated in a microwave was fantastic. You can make it yourself or buy one in the store. It is bascially a tube of fabric filled with dry white rice and sown up tight. You then heat it (do not wet it) in the microwave and hang it around your neck. It stays warm for around 15 minutes. I found it also helped with my irritable bowel syndrom pain when I would lay it across my abdomen. I would go to bed with it, which would help me relax and get to sleep. I took it everywhere with me.

12-04-2013, 12:13 AM
I got this same symptom. I eventually discovered that a rice sock heated in a microwave was fantastic. You can make it yourself or buy one in the store. It is bascially a tube of fabric filled with dry white rice and sown up tight. You then heat it (do not wet it) in the microwave and hang it around your neck. It stays warm for around 15 minutes. I found it also helped with my irritable bowel syndrom pain when I would lay it across my abdomen. I would go to bed with it, which would help me relax and get to sleep. I took it everywhere with me. yeah that would ease it nd wiv sum lavender on it too to relax more thankyou it's stress nd anxiety that does it I knw but the more u feel it the more u think nd the more it stays