View Full Version : Feel like i am going insane. !!

12-03-2013, 12:46 PM
So I have been put on citalopram 5 weeks ago and also giving 3 weeks worth of dizapam. The dizapam seemed to be keeping me calm but since coming of them I seem to have gone back to the start and I don't think the citalopram are helping. I constantly think there is something wrong with my heart. I can be sitting down calm then all of a sudden my heart will feel like it hits a speed bump then the panic starts as I think it is something wrong with the rhythm of my heart or I have arrhythmia. Why would a palpatations just come from nowhere without there being something being wrong. ??? Please help x

Terre Nova
12-03-2013, 01:13 PM
So I have been put on citalopram 5 weeks ago and also giving 3 weeks worth of dizapam. The dizapam seemed to be keeping me calm but since coming of them I seem to have gone back to the start and I don't think the citalopram are helping. I constantly think there is something wrong with my heart. I can be sitting down calm then all of a sudden my heart will feel like it hits a speed bump then the panic starts as I think it is something wrong with the rhythm of my heart or I have arrhythmia. Why would a palpatations just come from nowhere without there being something being wrong. ??? Please help x

Your heart can palpitate without reason when your nervous system is acting up. It is just a physical symptom that happens with anxiety disorders.. My physical symptoms are shortness of breath and swallowing issues, numbness and tingling.. The physical symptoms can be way more stressful than anxiety itself and both symptoms feed off of each other.. I get palpitations too but not as often...
The key is to know the symptom and expect it and once you realize that its a symptom you can try to ease your mind and it will lessen and lessen..
Hope i helped a bit :)

12-03-2013, 01:15 PM
Thanks for the reply. :). The brain is a really weird thing isn't it. I seem to be fixated on my heart it's terrible. Xx

12-03-2013, 03:51 PM
Your heart can palpitate without reason when your nervous system is acting up. It is just a physical symptom that happens with anxiety disorders.. My physical symptoms are shortness of breath and swallowing issues, numbness and tingling.. The physical symptoms can be way more stressful than anxiety itself and both symptoms feed off of each other.. I get palpitations too but not as often... The key is to know the symptom and expect it and once you realize that its a symptom you can try to ease your mind and it will lessen and lessen.. Hope i helped a bit :)

What kinds of swallowing issues? Like there's a lump in your throat?

12-03-2013, 04:20 PM
I have swallowing issues too (it was diagnosed as globus) I also have palpitations and a tightening of the throat. as long as you have been checked out physically and you know there is nothing wrong with your heart and it is an anxiety issue then seek advise and possably meds to help

Lee Grant Irons
12-03-2013, 04:49 PM
The beating of the heart is controlled by the autonomic nervous system. The hypothalamus in the base of your brain controls the fight or flight response and connects with your autonomic nervous system. So when you have an anxiety surge, your fight or flight response kicks in, and your autonomic nervous system responds by increasing your heartbeat, dilating your blood vessels and your pupils, and sending oxygenated blood to your muscle. However, when a person's biochemical system is out of balance, generally speaking, the autonomic nervous system can have glitches, called dysautonomia. Thus, the palpitations and other symptoms associated with abnormal anxiety, which is basically driven by biochemical imbalances.

Terre Nova
12-03-2013, 04:56 PM
What kinds of swallowing issues? Like there's a lump in your throat?

Over swallowing like obsessive and feeling like i have to rub my throat downward with my hand to get the lump down..

12-04-2013, 11:44 AM
When my anxiety first started I had the feeling of a tennis ball stuck in my throat for an entire month. It was hellish. Ive had literally every anxiety symptom known to mankind. Ive had it all. The only symptoms that have remained with me the whole time are the heart palps and muscle aches all over.

12-04-2013, 11:48 AM
When my anxiety first started I had the feeling of a tennis ball stuck in my throat for an entire month. It was hellish. Ive had literally every anxiety symptom known to mankind. Ive had it all. The only symptoms that have remained with me the whole time are the heart palps and muscle aches all over.

Yup same here the heart palpatations don't seem to go away ! Even when I'm feeling calm ! My heart will feel like it hits a speed bump and it makes me worry all day x

12-04-2013, 11:56 AM
The heart issues are truly the worst. If it werent for them I'd be so much more at peace. Im constantly terrified my heart will just suddenly stop beating. Deep breathing exercises help. Those heart irregularities are caused by an exhausted nervous system. Massage the area around ur vagus nerve near your spine at the top of your back and breathe properly through your stomach. Those speed bump heart beats are caused by your heart pressing some kind of a reset button so make the beats return back to normal. It cant be life threatening cause ive had them for 6 years and they happen only during stressful times so theres a definite pattern..

12-04-2013, 12:09 PM
Do you seem to have them when you are just sitting down not thinking about anything then all of a sudden is will hit you x x

12-04-2013, 12:15 PM
Do you seem to have them when you are just sitting down not thinking about anything then all of a sudden is will hit you x x

I have them at that time.