View Full Version : can poor posture cause chest aches and pains?

12-03-2013, 12:04 PM
ive had chest aches and pains along with upper back pain for over a year ive had ecgs and bloodwork that was all normal but having health anxiety as you know makes me think its my heart but i do sit hunched over a lot and ive been told posture plays a big part in this. anyone else have or has had this?

12-03-2013, 01:23 PM
I believe 100% that our aches/pains that are consistent are from posture... I work in an office and have a terrible habit of sitting hunched over my computer which in turn creates the worst chest tightness, I have ever felt. Since realizing this I have started stretching more and being more aware of my body.

12-03-2013, 02:21 PM
Hi. I have the same problem. I to work
In an office and have a habit of hunching over my keyboard. The top oft back and my rib are have been so painful lately xx

12-03-2013, 02:29 PM
I can relate also, I sit hunched over all day everyday I don't even know how to sit straight up, I have heart anxiety to. Don't feel alone, today I'm dealing with chest tightness and pressure.

12-03-2013, 05:33 PM
My Doc said that how I was sleeping at night could cause chest pains.. to terribly paraphrase what he said, Basically sleeping on the stomach / arms over the head caused an unnatural anatomical position ( in my case, form the base of my neck, he noticed that my first right rib was up) ...so maybe see a Chiropractor? Might do a world of good....... :)

Lee Grant Irons
12-03-2013, 05:56 PM
Yes, my family has personal experience that a chiropractor can help. We have xrays showing curves in spines and head tilted with respect to neck and shoulders unaligned. After a number of weeks of treatment, everything back in alignment and feeling better.

12-04-2013, 11:47 AM
Absolutely. Ive been stupid enough to sit in the worst possible posture for 3 years every night for houuursss. lying down but my head is up against my bed and my neck is curved and top back is hunched.
A hunched back can cause shortness of breath too..

12-12-2013, 05:52 AM
Hey Jesse...

I mean James... Gosh. Mixing up those names worse than Enduronman ;)

I used to get dizziness and pains in my side, both went significantly when I took some time to work on posture. I was a terrible sloucher, and it's one of those things like healthy eating... You know you should do better but you think, meh, won't hurt me today!

The Linden Method talks quite a bit about this. Charles Linden made a point of fitting it in the book, so it's clearly an important issue in overcoming anxiety.

Good posture helps a lot with breathing and gas levels, another contributor towards anxiety, which then in turn creates tension, aches and pains!

12-12-2013, 07:58 AM
I thought that my pains are connected to age, but maybe not, I do like the rest of you sit at the computer in work so tensed and hunched over keyboard. What do you do with tensed neck , people? I have neck muscle like a brick, very painful. I have it for years noone can loose it up.

03-19-2014, 12:22 PM
poor posture can cause a lot of troubles not only chest aches and pains but also neck pain syndromes, postural backache,can impede the ability of the lungs to expand etc....there is an article on wikipedia about this on a simple search on google

03-19-2014, 02:21 PM
I have a small curvature in my spine from childhood so it's extra important that I keep good posture...but I have a bad habit of slouching, leaning to the left and right, etc. so I get a lot of kinks in my muscles and back. Like other people here, I work full time sitting at a desk and I have a habit of leaning forward (which I think my anxiety makes me often do). It's something that you need to be conscientious of. Make sure that you're sitting up straight and that you're well-positioned in your chair so that your muscles aren't strained. Also try to get up and walk around as much as you can. Even though they have ergonomic keyboards and chairs now, I still don't think office furniture and equipment is designed well enough for the contours and mechanics of our body. Take care.