View Full Version : good anxiety vs bad anxiety

12-03-2013, 11:34 AM
Hi all,
Does anyone know if there is such a thing as bad anxiety vs good anxiety? Everyone gets anxiety; but there must be some good benefits. I find that anything related to food and anxiety gets me anxious. Other than that, I am okay. Anyone wants to share their knowledge with me, please do. Alita

12-03-2013, 12:16 PM
Well I do know that anxiety serves a purpose in the begining, it's your minds way of helping you deal with something or like a self preservation thing. But eventually you no longer need it, but it continues and that's were the problem begins. Also, anxiety goes way back to our primitive man, it's the "fight or flight" thing, are you familiar with that?? It's basically from when we had to fight off lions etc... So our bodies and minds went into a hyper awareness and fight or flight mode to protect ourselves and our lives. The problem with those of us with major anxiety disorders is our fight or flight mode is turned on very easily at the smallest things and instead of our brains saying "okay there is no threat or the threat is gone and we are safe" our brains register everything or the things that cause our anxiety as a major threat and we become extremely keyed up and anxious. Did that make sence?? I'm not very good at explaining things. But I hope it answers your question in some way. ;)